Caption Corner...
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Apologies to WSRA Journal for the title of this page and the similar idea to the regular Journal feature.
Thanks to Jon Tooke for suggesting a Caption Corner page for this web site.
Have a look at the previous Caption Corners.
Your captions...
From Simon Prisk:
»Lookout hopes the PW team recover his nuts soon
From Steve Richardson:
»..they told me it wouldn't be too long before the new passing loop might be installed...Thought I'd get here first to see the inaugural run round. "yawn"
»The WSR new "Time and Motion" study in operation
»Saving money on a Thunderbird, the WSR seeks volunteers to sit line-side in case of urgent repairs. New recruits please contact ""
From Steve Sagrott:
»"My knees are so cold either it's tea time or I'm going to throw a spanner in the works!"
»"Now if the cutting back gang were nearby we'd have a roaring fire to warm my legs against."
»"Darn rascals will take anything -- I'm sure there was a p-way hut here once!"
»"Due to a shortage of equipment a Spanner monitor had to be appointed"
From Ron Williams:
»The WSRA Per Way Gang Chairman in action...
»Makes a change from seeing a per-way man leaning on his shovel
»Fish-plate oiler sin-binned - now he and his mate are falling way behind in the oiling race.
From Fred Jones:
»more volunteers wanted for the knobly knees competition
From Chris Osment:
»Should I tell him that you DON'T do rail-grinding by kneeling down with some sandpaper?
»Shouldn't my trident have 3 prongs?
»Winner of the "Armchair Volunteer of the Year" award proudly displays his 'King Dick' trophy.
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