Caption Corner for March 2011...
Caption Picture
Apologies to WSRA Journal for the title of this page and the similar idea to the regular Journal feature.
Thanks to Jon Tooke for suggesting a Caption Corner page for this web site.
Have a look at the previous Caption Corners.
Your captions...
From Simon Prisk:
»"Come in number 88, your signal is off"
»"Reports of speeding up into Crowcombe are being investigated by the latest Radar device"
From Ron Williams:
»"Will the train now standing on platform 1 please get back on the rails"
»"Tea up"
»"Bring me some coal for the fire, or the board stays on!"
From Chris Osment:
»"I don't care if you ARE the Transport Minister, you're not going anywhere until you give me back my token!"
»"In, out, in, out....that's the way to stoke the boiler"
»"A loaf of bread, six eggs, some bacon - oh, and don't forget the scrumpy please"
»Staff test new WSR anti-lineside trespasser laser death-ray in preparation for SSG invasion.
»Hisss, hmmmm, buzzz, click...................drat, where's the new batteries for this thing?
From Jon Tooke:
»Following a catastrophic equipment failure, the old fashioned method of Ready, Steady, Go is pressed into use!
»A trained negotiator communicates with the persons holding the Pasty van to ransom.
»Comedian and wordsmith Barrie Crier tries out new lines on a few unsuspecting members of the public in the nearest town.
From Eric Broom:
»Come in 9351,your time is up...1536 are you in trouble ?
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