Caption Corner for June 2011...
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Apologies to WSRA Journal for the title of this page and the similar idea to the regular Journal feature.
Thanks to Jon Tooke for suggesting a Caption Corner page for this web site.
Have a look at the previous Caption Corners.
Your captions...
From Robin White:
»Steve Martin realises that there have been significant changes to the Operations Office while he was away on a few day’s leave.
From Chris Osment:
»Early arrival by the lucky winner of the only seat available for the 2012 Olympics 'synchronised engine turning' event.
»Lack of interest in the "BR in the 60s" weekend.......
»Owing to a misprint in the timetable, no-one turns up for the Mixed Traction weekend.
»FOMS observer on 'weed watch' duty.
From Ron Williams:
»"Wot, no Trains?"
»Turntable P I C snoozes in sunshine
»Isn't that young lady and child a bit early for TTT?
From Eric Broom:
»Sitting on the Dock of the Bay by notice reading !!
From Jon Tooke:
»DEPG idea of installing a vigilance device gets rather misunderstood!
»Under protest Steve Martin refuses to move even though his office has been relocated!
»In an authentic attempt to recreate the railway of old, staff go on strike and post a picket by the gate!
»Local man upset after his paper shop blows away!
From Fred Jones:
»He missed the last train home and has been there all night
From Nick Jones:
»Minehead not good choice for flashmob meet
From Steve Martin:
»Then I came out of the shower and the last 35 years had been just a dream
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