Caption Corner for January 2012...
Caption Picture
Apologies to WSRA Journal for the title of this page and the similar idea to the regular Journal feature.
Thanks to Jon Tooke for suggesting a Caption Corner page for this web site.
Have a look at the previous Caption Corners.
Your captions...
From Nick Jones:
»"Are you sure there's enough of us in this wall to defend a free kick?"
»"Why did they send a train, when we've got the landing pads out for 'copters?"
From Chris Osment:
»"I know that I should stand with my hands behind my back, but we've been waiting so long in the cold that I'm desperate for the loo!"
»"Are you going to tell him that he's on the wrong line, or shall I?"
»Fantasy film time - Men In Black meet The Railway Children......
From Mel Hillman:
»'You should have told them before they left BL that as there has been no snow this year, the reindeer refused to bring'll be carnage when they get onto the platform; two of us will not be enough, I'm protecting me vitals!!'
From Jon Tooke:
»Mr McKay and Mr Barrowclough await the return of a certain escaped prisoner.
From Eric Broom:
»Express headcode ! This is the Williton train, He's turned it in the wrong road, Stand back or you'll get sucked off the platform !
From Malcolm Anderson:
»"Is that the right headcode for a funeral train."
»"If this is the Humbug express, don't let it stop, wave it through to Williton."
»"New volunteers recruitment train approaches Crowcombe !!"
From Sean Broom:
»Animal Magic’s Johnny Morris and fellow zoo keeper await the arrival of the circus train.
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