News from 2000...

 Standard 2-6-4T to appear at the Silver Jubilee Steam Gala
The official leaflet for the Silver Jubilee Steam Gala to be held on from 30 March to 1 April 2001, lists a BR Standard 80XXX 2-6-4T amongst the visiting engines, although it doesn't say which one! This will be a "first" as this class has yet to be seen on the Minehead branch, although many have suggested the popular locos are most suitable for the line - both now and in BR days. BR used Class 3 2-6-2T locos before the line succumbed to diesel in the 1960s. Click here for details of the Gala.

28 December 2000  Details from official leaflet

 "Earl Bathurst" to miss the gala?
It is rumoured that GWR Castle 4-6-0 no 5051 'Earl Bathurst' will NOT be visiting the WSR for the Silver Jubilee Gala in March 2001. This is reported to be due to an inspection by Railtrack and a possible four month stay in the works. More on this as it comes in...

21 December 2000  Details from local correspondent

 Harry Potter Nameplate Auction
The NameplateThis year, Harry Potter fans will have the chance to bid for a magical Christmas present; the sign from The Hogwarts Express, the train that takes Harry and his friends to school each term in the record breaking children's books.

When 'Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire' was launched in summer 2000, JK Rowling embarked on a book tour around the country. In true wizard style, she departed from platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station and took The Hogwarts Express across the UK. Now, fans can own a unique piece of this historic event, as, the website of Bloomsbury, publishers of the Harry Potter books, auction the sign from the train in aid of Comic Relief on Yahoo! Auctions.

Note: WSR watchers will recall the red "Taw Valley" visit to the railway in the summer when the loco regularly hauled the "Hogwarts Express"...

14 December 2000  Details from local correspondent

 News from the Dinmore Manor group
Latest on no 7820: Annual Inspection will be undertaken shortly. The brass beading for the splashers has now been manufactured and should be fitted to the engine over the winter months

Latest on no 3850: The metalwork for the cab-floor has now been completed and the wooden boards are being prepared. Assembly of the cylinder cock gear, rods and linkages is well underway. The slide-bar supports are being ground flat,various bolts and shims obtained to allow the slide-bars to be put in position and aligned. A new Valve Extension Rod has been forged and is now being machined. The other Rod has been repaired by welding.

Various parts of the Damper operating gear have been refurbished and will be fitted shortly. The remainder will be fitted after the boiler is back on the frames. Various parts of the sanding gear have been refurbished and await fitting.

Work has commenced on the Boiler and most of the steel stays have been removed along with some copper stays, a wasted patch of the outer firebox has been cut away to allow inspection of the top of the foundation ring, the smokebox has been prepared for removal, the smokebox door is being refurbished. currently the crown stays are being cleaned to allow for a closer inspection .

12 December 2000  Details from Dinmore Manor group

 Royal Mail trains at Bishops Lydeard (again) Passing under the old LSWR at Bonhay road in Exeter
Bad weather in the West Country has hampered the rail transport of mails, leading to the facilities Bishops Lydeard being used by English, Welsh & Scottish Railway (EWS). The WSRA web site reports:
"The WSR's ever-growing status in the national railway industry was further enhanced in early December, when the Railway played a key role in assisting with the movement of rolling stock for English Welsh & Scottish Railway (EWS) at extremely short notice. Torrential rain in the West Country on Thursday 7 December caused - for the second time this autumn - the trackbed to be washed away at Cowley Bridge Junction (near Exeter) on Railtrack's West of England main line. As a result train services from the north and London were terminated at Bristol, Taunton or Tiverton Parkway. With the ex-SR line from Exeter to Yeovil Junction also being blocked at Honiton, many items of EWS stock were trapped on the 'wrong side' of the floods. With the Christmas postal rush being in full swing, EWS required stock to be transported to 'the other side' as a matter of urgency. Arrangements between the parties concerned were put into place at very short notice. Twelve bogie postal vans were moved by road from Exeter Riverside yard to Bishops Lydeard overnight on 8-9 December. The WSR provided facilities for unloading the vehicles and operating staff to enable the stock to be moved from Bishops Lydeard to Taunton. The vans were moved in two trains from Bishops Lydeard to Bristol Barton Hill depot on Saturday 9 December, both hauled by No 66002, which was sent from Westbury"

Some will recall the 1978 Blizzard which saw mails to and from Minehead being conveyed on the "Blizzard Special" - one coach hauled by Bagnall 0-6-0ST "Vulcan" - with Bishops Lydeard being the transfer point.

10 December 2000  Details from local correspondent and the WSRA web site

 The "Capital Christmas Cracker" is cancelled...
Due to the timings received from Railtrack being unacceptable, Cheshire Railtours has been forced to cancel its planned "Capital Christmas Cracker" charter on Friday 29 December, which would have seen an HST set work from Minehead to Paddington and return

10 December 2000  Details from local correspondent and the WSRA web site

 "Western" driver training to be held on WSR
The January 2001 issue of "The Railway Magazine" reports that 'Western' diesel hydraulic No D1010 "Western Campaigner", based on the WSR at Williton, is to be used on a programme of driver training for EWS staff in connection with a programme of main line charters using sister engine D1015 "Western Champion" later next year.

10 December 2000  Details from local correspondent and the WSRA web site

 Over a thousand travel to Dunster by Candlelight by train
Doing its bit for the environment, again, the West Somerset Railway carried 1006 passengers to Dunster in early December for the Dunster by Candlelight event. On the Saturday evening, there were no less than four trains leaving Bishops Lydeard for Minehead in the space of an hour - 5pm (dmu), 5.23pm (HST), 5.40pm (relief steam) and 6pm (steam)

8 December 2000  Details from local correspondent

 "Taw Valley" to return in 2001?
The Bulleid rebuilt Pacific no 34027 "Taw Valley" may return for another visit to the line for a good part of 2001. The arrangement has yet to be finalised. A "Somerset and Dorset" special weekend may be possible if a couple of other initiatives reach bear fruit.

3 December 2000  Details from local correspondent

 No third stone contract for WSR
Disappointment has been expressed by the Railway at the news that around 9000 tonnes of rock armour is to be carried by road not rail for the Watchet Marina developments. Given the past success stories of the Minehead and Doniford coastal protection projects, where tens of thousands of tonnes of stone were brought in by the main-line freight train operators over the Railway, this news comes as a real surprise. Especially as the Railway runs adjacent to the Harbour itself, and that the local Council had previously emphasised the need to avoid heavy freight traffic using the poor local roads and through the narrow winding streets of Watchet itself.

2 December 2000  Details gleaned from WSRs OnLine, courtesy of the WSR plc

 First Great Western carries out train evacuation exercise on WSR...
The official press release from FGW is reproduced below...

Train operator First Great Western has announced a new date for its train evacuation exercise which is designed to test the effectiveness of information notices, safety lighting and other emergency procedures. The exercise was originally planned for October but was cancelled following the rail accident at Hatfield, Hertfordshire

The exercise will now be held on Tuesday November 28 and will be along the same lines as previously planned. Volunteers from outside the rail industry will help test existing safety measures as well as those being considered for the future. Findings from the exercise will be used by First Great Western, and the wider rail industry, to identify the most appropriate additional safety measures for the future.

“We cancelled the exercise because we felt it would be inappropriate to continue at the time of the Hertfordshire rail accident,” said First Great Western’s Managing Director Mike Carroll. “However it is important that it goes ahead now to help us consider what safety measures are most appropriate for the future.

“We will be examining how people react in an emergency and their perception of an evacuation from a First Great Western service. We will also be asking them to test the effectiveness of existing and proposed emergency information signs and an additional form of safety lighting which we are considering introducing on our trains.”

The exercise, which will recreate an evacuation from a fire, will be staged on track operated by the West Somerset Railway at Minehead in Somerset on Tuesday November 28. Senior First Great Western managers will take an active part and will be joined by volunteers from outside the rail industry who will act the part of customers.

The exercise will be conducted in some of the carriages which comprised part of the High Speed Train involved in last year’s Paddington rail crash and which have been at Minehead since early this summer. They were repaired after minor damage in the accident on October 5 last year.

“First Great Western is aware of the sensitivity surrounding these carriages,” added Mike Carroll. “We believe the exercise is an appropriate use for them at this time. The exercise supports rail industry assurances to the Cullen inquiry into the Paddington rail crash.”

Postscript: Around 10 TV crews were in attendance. The four FGW coaches were headed by the Class 33 no 33045. The evacuation exercise involved filling the train with around 100 volunteers and then with smoke. The idea then was for these brave souls to get out as quickly as possible. Some people found the normal small hammers proved difficult to smash a window.A new gadget that is attached to the window was demonstrated.When activated a small detonation fires a bolt through the glass which can then be pushed out easily. Another gadget in use was a small hand held light to help people see when visibility is bad.

29 November 2000  Details courtesy of local correspondents and First Great Western press release

 "Steptoe Special" success
The WSRA web site reports, "A very successful Clear-Up Train run on Sunday 5 November, hauled by the Class 08 diesel No D3492, collected an estimated 20 tons of logs as a result of lineside clearance activities over recent months. Despite the pouring rain, well over 30 WSRA volunteers assisted, including many members of Trackers, the Railway's Youth Section."

19 November 2000  Details courtesy of WSRA web site

 WSR makes the "Johnny Walker Show" on Radio 2
On Monday 6 November 2000, the West Somerset obtained some excellent free publicity when Dave Nelhams was a contestant on the "Mystery Voice" competition on Radio 2's "Johnny Walker Show". Dave's son, Stuart, is a long time volunteer in the Loco Department and can often be seen driving on the line. Stuart was, quite rightly, held up as a model example for all budding drivers to follow. Much WSR information was discussed and Johnny Walker seemed most interested in the WSR. Well done, Dave, for taking the opportunity to spread the word on national radio - we are sorry you didn't win the competition...

8 November 2000  Details courtesy of a local correspondent

 Travel by "Castle" from Paddington to Minehead on 17 March 2001
"GWR Castle 4-6-0 no 5051 'Earl Bathurst' hauls this special train from London Paddington to Minehead via Slough, Reading, Newbury and Frome. On arrival at the West Somerset Railway we will welcome one of the WSR locos to pilot 5051 over the line to Minehead. Pick up/Set Down at London Paddington, Slough, Reading, and Newbury."

Update: This trip is in some doubt (24 Dec 2000)

6 November 2000  Details courtesy of Past-Time Rail

 Historic coach for sale
The oldest surviving ex-British Rail Mk1 coach - corridor second No 24006, built at Derby in November 1951 - is being offered for sale. Anyone interested should contact the WSR plc at Minehead Station on 01643 704996.

5 November 2000  Details courtesy of WSRA web site

 Trackers receive Millennium Award
Good news from Trackers, the WSRA's Youth Group. The November edition of OnLine reports:

"...on Thursday 5th October members of the Trackers team met with the Mayor of Taunton to receive a Millennium Award made on behalf of the Taunton Area Youth Advisory Committee. This award was in consequence of a successful application relating to the continued development of Tracker training programmes. The aim is to develop these programmes to a sufficiently high standard so those Trackers can achieve nationally recognised qualifications at Key Skills and possibly NVQ standards..."

This important award amply shows the progress that the Trackers have made, but also, the considerable backroom work that goes into organising the Trackers and their Work Plan, something that is easily overlooked.

4 November 2000  Details courtesy of WSR's OnLine

 From the Seaside to the Deeside
The Royal Deeside Railway has purchased the diesel-hydraulic class 14 0-6-0 D9551 which will leave the West Somerset shortly. This will leave D9526, under overhaul at Williton, as the only representative of the class on the WSR.

Although having a "Swindon" connection, this class of loco has never really been that popular with enthusiasts, being neither a shunting-type nor a main-line machine proper. The class were short-lived on British Railways but many were much used on industrial lines such as steel works and coal mines, until eventually withdrawn and snapped up by the flourishing preservation movement. At one time, the WSR was host to three examples, D9500, D9526 (the "white" one) and D9551.

Full details of D9551 can be found in the WSR Stock Book.

2 November 2000  Details courtesy of WSR's OnLine

 West Somerset Railway Association web site is launched
Dealing with specific Association issues, the web site is launched on to the World Wide Web at the end of October 2000. Although the WSRA has space on the official WSR plc web site, and is mentioned in some detail on other unofficial sites, the new site provides a focused look at the Association and how it supports in no small way the West Somerset Railway. The site can be found at

29 October 2000  Details courtesy of local correspondent

 Norton Fitzwarren Junction improvements may be delayed...
The good news of the funding of improvements to the main line junction at Norton Fitzwarren has been tempered by news of a possible lengthy delay as a consequence of the current safety checks and related works being carried out by Railtrack on the national rail network in the aftermath of the recent fatal derailment at Hatfield on the East Coast Main Line.

A wait of several months, maybe a year or two, has been suggested. Whatever the delay, this web site would echo the paramount need for rail safety, and the wait, however frustrating, will be made for the very best reasons.

Postscript: WSR's November OnLine suggests a start in 2003 or 2003!   (Postscript courtesy of WSR OnLine)

28 October 2000  Details courtesy of local correspondent

 Norton Fitzwarren Junction - Statement by West Somerset Railway plc
West Somerset Railway plc Chairman Dennis Taylor has warmly welcomed confirmation of the proposed £345,000 partnership funding package offered by three local Somerset Councils and Railtrack to provide an improved connection between the heritage railway and main line rail network at Norton Fitzwarren.

"The fully signalled connection would not only increase WSR passenger numbers but also be a major shot in the arm for the local area's struggling tourism industry", said Mr Taylor

Click here for the full official press release which is dated 23 October 2000.

28 October 2000  Details courtesy of WSR plc

 Spring Steam Galal 2001 begins to take shape
The owners of GWR "top link" 4-6-0 locomotives no 5029 "Nunney Castle" and no 6024 "King Edward I" have been invited to allow their engines to attend the Spring Gala in 2001. Further invitations have been extended to the owners of no 4936 "Kinlet Hall" and no 9466. It is now clear that the previously announced "Cambrian" weekend is off due to the possible availability of the bigger locomotives. It seems there are one or two other possibilities too.

(I hope the Gala has at least one "new" GWR class or something really unusual - LNER? - as the present probable line-up looks remarkably similar to previous years and may not attract the crowds)

23 October 2000  Details courtesy of WSR's OnLine

 GWR 0-6-0PT no 6412 stays away...
The West Somerset Railway Association's Great Western Railway pannier tank no 6412 (the erstwhile "Flockton Flyer") will remain on loan to the North Norfolk Railway for the rest of 2000. It will return to Williton Shed for maintenance in early 2001. In the WSR's OnLine, the WSRA suggests you ring the NNR on 01263 822045 to be sure you don't miss the loco in action on the scenic Norfolk line.

17 October 2000  Details courtesy of WSR's OnLine

 "Bee World" to close?
News has reached us that "Bee World", next to Stogumber Station, is to close. The attraction has reportedly blamed the bad weather for a downturn in visitors this summer. This is a great disappointment for all concerned especially as "Bee World" is, or was, a much needed family-oriented tourist attraction in West Somerset. The Railway, of course, experienced a great increase in passenger numbers at Stogumber, helped by the recently installed platform extension. The combined ticket to Stogumber and Bee World was a popular purchase at Minehead. We can only hope for a reprieve and a reopening in 2001.

14 October 2000  Details courtesy of local correspondent

 Harry Horn
The latest edition of OnLine reports with great sadness the passing of Harry Horn, long time Station Master of Stogumber, as follows:

"As this edition of "Online" is closing for press we have heard the sad news of the death of Harry Horn. Harry's railway career dated back to the pre-grouping Great Western and his priceless wealth of memories have been captured in several articles and books, most notably "Tales of the Old Railwaymen". He had been stationmaster at Stogumber since the reopening of the WSR and together with the late Tom Waller spent many hours working on the restoration of the station from its dereliction to one of the most picturesque and well-loved spots on the line. Although confined to a wheelchair in recent years Harry still regularly met trains and passengers at Stogumber together with his wife Iris and was believed to be the world's oldest stationmaster. Our condolences go to Iris and family at this time of loss."
(WSR OnLine)

My own sense of loss is considerable. Harry was always there at Stogumber. Always pleased to see you, and always keen to enquire about the family, especially young Matthew. A true gentleman, consistently courteous, smiling and honest, and would never have a bad word to say about anyone. A true angel on earth. Harry gone? Maybe, but he will still be there at Stogumber, in the trees and flowers, across the grassy lawn, and always, there on the flagstones outside the station building...

7 October 2000  Details courtesy of WSR's OnLine

 2001 dates for your diary...
  • 30 June and 1 July 2001 - Day Out with Thomas
  • 4, 5 August 2001 - Vintage Rally at BL
  • 1, 2 September 2001 - CAMRA Beer Festival at Minehead
  • 14, 15, 16 September 2001 - Autumn Steam Weekend
  • 6, 7 October 2001 - 60s Weekend
  • 7, 8 December 2001 - Dunster by Candlelight
  • 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24 December 2001 - Santa Specials.

4 October 2000  Details courtesy of WSR plc

 First Great Western postpones emergency exercise
"First Great Western has postponed its planned emergency evacuation exercise, scheduled to take place at Minehead on Friday, October 20, following yesterday’s rail accident involving a high-speed train service in Hertfordshire.

It is inappropriate for us to go ahead with this exercise so soon after such a tragic event.'

The exercise - arranged to test the effectiveness of on-train information notices, safety lighting and other emergency procedures – will be held at a later date."

Visitors to this web site and to Minehead Station will recall the four FGW Mk4 coaches stored in Bay Siding no 1 for the last few months, waiting for this very safety exercise.

25 October 2000  Details courtesy of First Great Western press release and local correspondent

 Extra trains in November...
Not a lot but maybe worth noting. On November 2 and 9, leaving Minehead at 1.15pm in connection with Shearings Holidays, a round trip to Williton. Trains will be running mainly for the benefit of Shearings Holidays but they will also be open to the general public.

7 October 2000  Details courtesy of WSR's OnLine

 Dunster by Candlelight 2000...
Once again, the highly picturesque village of Dunster, with its famous castle, church, working mill, yarn market and many other historic buildings, steps back into history with the peaceful glow of candles in virtually every window.

The Railway is running special trains from Bishops Lydeard, calling at Williton and Watchet, to Dunster for the event on 1 and 2 December 2000. Full details can be found on the Dunster by Candlelight 2000 page.

The early evening of Saturday 2 December 2000 will see three trains leave Bishops Lydeard for Dunster at thirty minute intervals. First is a heritage diesel multiple unit at 5.30pm, followed at 6pm by a First Great Western High Speed Train charter special from Bristol and Weston-super-Mare; and finally, a steam hauled special at 6.30pm. For those photographers who enjoy the challenge of night shoots, this must be the night!

4 October 2000  Details courtesy of WSR plc

 Norton Fitzwarren Junction Improvements - one step closer
West Somerset District Council has confirmed its contribution of £87,500 to the re-signalling project at Norton Fitzwarren Junction.

As a result, Somerset County Council has now asked Railtrack to start work on the project which is now due to be completed in spring 2001.

Then, we shall see which TOC is keen to re-start regular passenger services from the main network to and from the Minehead line...

17 September 2000  Details courtesy of local correspondent

 GWR Inspection Saloon arrives on the Railway
Visitors to the Sixties Weekend were treated to the sight of a new arrival at Bishops Lydeard in the shape of a Hawksworth 1948 Inspection Saloon. The coach, previously on the Bodmin line where it is rumoured to have carried the Queen on that railway, and recently on the East Somerset, is immaculately finished in Western Region brown and cream, and has observation saloons at each end, with a small kitchen utility midships. Its last running number was DW80975. It is expected that the saloon will be used in traffic on steam trains as an observation vehicle. The coach was soon in traffic, though not in use, at the back of the 5.35pm Bishops Lydeard to Minehead.

24 September 2000  Details courtesy of Jon Tooke and also the March WSR web site

 1960s Weekend - Eye witness report...
Jon Tooke reports:

"Western Class no D1010 'Western Campaigner' noD1010 - looked splendid in the new maroon livery with just the buffer beam painted yellow. On the Saturday of the 1960's weekend it ran on both engines with out fault. Sundays outings were (so far) a success.

Class 25 'JFK' no D7523 - failed on the 09.40 ex BL departure on the Saturday and was taken off at Williton and put straight into the shed. The Crompton (no 33048) took over the rest of the 25's diagrams.

BR(W) Manor no7828 'Odney Manor' - thanks must go to those who spent time making this loco look very shabby and dirty (as many of them did towards the end of their working lives), ash was mixed with water and wallpaper paste, then the solution was applied on the loco and tender so as to look uncared for. The loco number and name plates were removed as were the safety valve bonnet. A reporting number was chalked onto the smokebox door, and some wag had scrawled "for sale" on the side of the boiler!"

24 September 2000  Details courtesy of Jon Tooke

 Locos on duty for 1960s Weekend Gala 23 and 24 September
According to the Operating Notice for the weekend, the following locos are rostered for duty - D2133, 4160, D7523, D1010, 34027, D7017, 78xx.

21 September 2000  Details courtesy of local correspondent

 Autumn Steam Gala 2000 Report...
Jon Tooke has submitted this eye-witness account...

"During the WSR's Autumn gala, the Mid Hants charter, "The Quantock Flyer"(reporting number 1Z90 on the outward, and 1Z91 for the return) made up of a rake of vacuum braked mk1 and 2 coaches in southern green with a newly turned out buffet/kitchen car in chocolate and cream arrived at Bishops Lydeard behind West Country Class locomotive 34016 "Bodmin", right time.

Just outside the station, the loco and the support coach were detached so that they could travel back to Westbury to be turned and serviced. From Bishops Lydeard GWR Prairie tank locomotives 4144 (visiting from Didcot), and home based 4160 hauled the train non stop to Minehead. Whilst at Minehead the stock was serviced by WSR staff in readiness for the return journey. The train was double headed on the return journey by 3205, and 34027 "Taw Valley/Hogwarts Express". Lost time was made up with only a minor timing deficiency being recorded.

From Bishops Lydeard the train was due to be hauled by a class 47 to Westbury, but as a suitable dual braked class 47 was unavailable, EWS sent class 37-37065 in Mainline blue light engine from Didcot yard to do the honours. Whilst the train was waiting at Norton junction to rejoin railtrack metals, Merchant Navy class "Canadian Pacific" roared past in full cry taking it's charter back to Birmingham New Street. This brings me onto a very perplexing question for you and your readers... With "Bodmin" working on a charter, "Canadian Pacific" also on charter work, "Taw Valley" visiting the WSR, when was the last time that three( or 5, if you count the 2 at Williton on the WSR undergoing restoration) Southern mainline locomotives were to be seen working in the Taunton area on the same day? None of my older colleagues on the WSR could come up with an answer!!!"

12 September 2000  Courtesy of Jon Tooke

 Real Ale Success...
WSR's OnLine reports on the Real Ale Festival..."This new venture for the Railway took place over the weekend of September 2nd and 3rd with over thirty different beers from a wide variety of breweries set up on the platform at Minehead Station and entertainment laid on for Saturday and Sunday lunchtimes and the Saturday evening. The event brought new passengers to our trains, the station ambience seemed just right, and we are enthused to repeat the invitation to our CAMRA friends. Beer supplies were judged to a nicety, running out just before stop tap on Sunday."

Other sources suggest around 2300 pints sold and 32 barrels emptied. And how the perceived problems of mixing beer and railways proved completely groundless - people came and drank beer for the sake of the beer, not to get drunk! An outstanding success, it seems...

10 September 2000 Details courtesy of WSR's OnLine and local correspondent

 Much interest in WSR's "Railway Garden"...
WSR's OnLine reports..."The National Amateur Gardening Show held at the Bath and West Showground featured a "Railway Garden" as a centrepiece. Railway artefacts were provided by the Civil Engineer, Friends of Minehead Station and the WSRA. Some 45,00 visitors were estimated to attend and our Railway was given a prime site to exhibit as a thank you for our help. John and Janet Dixon provided a superb display stand which they manned for three days distributing publicity material for the Railway. John was reported to be almost voiceless by the end of the event. An excellent effort which has already brought bookings and passengers to the Railway. "

Of course, this web site has, for some time, promoted the Station Gardens and has achieved "dots-on-the-map" on several Gardening WebSites.

10 September 2000 Details courtesy of WSR's OnLine

 "New" additions to WSR coaching stock arrive...
A local correspondent reports: "Recently the West somerset railway has purchased two loco hauled mk 1 coaches to compliment their fleet of coaches.

The coaches built in 1959 are TSO's numbers 4869 and 4909, both are dual braked with ETH (4). The coaches are in a very faded BR swallow (executive) livery and are from the old BR landcruise charter set, and both have the centre external passenger doors disabled (they have the handles and mechanisms removed), with labels fitted stating that they are "out of use/staff only". The outer doors at both ends have three horizontal bars fitted to the top of the droplight aperture.

Both the coaches were involved in a very heavy shunt/derailment at Euston some years ago and damage was caused to the coach ends just above the buffers and along the tumblehome as well as to the brake rigging. This damage is repairable along with other body work damage and deterioration. The B4 bogies are sound.

After the Euston incident, the coaches were stored at Bounds Green were some external damage was caused to the coaches-windows broken and graffiti applied. However, the internal fittings, carpets, upholstery,lighting and WC fittings are all intact and in very good order, actually inside it's as it was when it was withdrawn, the litter bins are spotless and the packs of handtowels in the WC remain unopened! It is not known at this stage whether the PA system (which is still virtually intact) will remain in situ when the coaches are bought into service.

Contrary to rumour, the WSR has not bought 2 EMU coaches for use or for cannibalisation. EMU stock was looked at but the option was not pursued."

25 August 2000 Details courtesy of local correspondent - confirmation awaited from the WSR plc

 Red rash spreading on the Railway...
"Western Class" no D1010 "Western Campaigner" is currently being painted in Maroon livery for the 60's gala in September. With this and possible appearance of the red "Taw Valley", it is almost a time-warp back to the early "Victor" and "Jennifer" days.

Other news...
The Class 25 is to be renumbered no D7523 pre-tops number and tidied up.
All parts have now arrived to complete the rebuilding of the class 03 engine.
Nos D1010, D7017, D7523, 33 048, D3462 are all serviceable.

5 August 2000 Details courtesy of Diesel and Electric Group

 Results of the 2000 Best Kept Station Awards
WSR's August OnLine reports: "Judging for the 2000 competition has been completed and the winner is Crowcombe Heathfield, with Dunster finishing as Runner-Up. The most-improved was Minehead. Once again the judges were very impressed with the overall standard of the upkeep and the presentation of all our stations and several were very close to pipping Dunster for the second spot."

3 August 2000 Details courtesy of WSR's On-Line

 Class 66 and the Fourteen Coaches
Sounds like a Walt Disney cartoon movie, except this is the mouth watering prospect of a railtour booked for March 31 2001 during the Spring Gala, with a Hertforshire Railtours through train of fourteen coaches hauled by a Class 66 diesel. Funny to think there will still be room to spare in platform one at Minehead...

1 June 2000 Courtesy of WSRs On-Line

 Tourism Minister visit Minehead Station...
The Tourism Minister, Janet Anderson MP, is to visit Minehead Station on Thursday 3 August as part of a fact-finding tour of UK resorts. We trust she will approve of all that the WSR has done for Minehead and West Somerset over the last decade or so.

1 August 2000 Details courtesy of local correspondent

 No 4144 arrives...
The Great Western Society's large prairie no 4144 has arrived for a summer holiday on the Railway. The loco, in Great Western livery, joins the resident large prairie, no 4160, and will be used on the heavy summer trains.

This class is well suited to the line. Taunton shed had a small number of these powerful locos, which were often used to haul through trains over the branch.

21 July 2000

 New siding at Westridge, near Bishops Lydeard
Thanks to 275 Railway Squadron TA and 108 Field Support Squadron, along with the Railway's own permanent way team, led by Mick Phelps, a new much-needed siding has been built just south of the loco depot at Westridge, Bishops Lydeard. It will be extended to provide run-round facilities for coaching stock. The WSRs "On-Line" suggests the location is Cotford St Luke, but surely this would need to be a bit further south near Dene Bridge?

My comment when seeing the new siding was "looks like the East Coast Main Line" - well it did as three tracks curved away down the hill towards Norton.

10 July 2000

 Help needed for the Sixties Weekend...
The July edition of On-Line reports:

"The intention is to run a three steam/ three diesel locomotive timetable with the loco's looking as authentic as is possible and to get the surroundings as close to right as we can. To this end we are looking to have owners of 50's and 60's cars around the line and to approach local live music venues with a view of having appropriate entertainment on the Friday and Saturday nights. We also need to try to get some period details at the stations. This doesn't mean having your old Swinging Blue Jeans singles blazing out over the tannoy (which is not at all authentic) but rather a case of having some appropriate posters and station clutter on display (perhaps a Dansette record player with a luggage label on a trolley). A chance for some imagination and dredging of memories."

8 July 2000 Details courtesy of WSR's On-Line

 Plans for 2001...
The Railway has announced plans for next years Spring Gala, due to take place on 30 and 31 March, and 1 April 2001. The theme for the long weekend is to be the "Cambrian". Stations may well be temporarily renamed to well-known Welsh ones, and the Railway is looking for Welsh-speakers to help with station announcing (well, it might help!). With two "Manors", things look about right for atmosphere, but there are other classes, some preserved, that have that "Cambrian" look, that would be just ace if they could be there too...

Also, following the success of the 21st Anniversary do at Bishops Lydeard and Crowcombe Heathfield on 10 and 11 June, the Association are looking to host another summer special weekend, this time built around the theme of the "Branch Line Weekend", on 14 and 15 July 2001. An intensive service of smaller trains hauled by the smaller engines is envisaged. Sounds excellent.

4 July 2000 Details courtesy of WSR's On-Line

 Carriage Shed Extension
A small but welcome indication of the WSRs ongoing commitment to constantly improving the standard of the coaching stock, is the news that work started on 2 June on the extension to the Carriage Shed at Minehead. This will double the capacity and enable two coaches to be worked on under cover at the same time. The next coach to be outshopped very soon is the new buffet car, no 4987.

1 July 2000 Details courtesy of WSR's On-Line

 New URL for this Web Site...
From 1July, the web address for this site will be so be sure to change any bookmarks! Also, those kind souls who have links to this site may care to update their pages. The previous address now has a redirect page which should bring you to the correct address automatically. I will not bore you with the reasons for the change, except that I can now add more images as server space is not so much a problem, and maybe the shorter standard search-engine-friendly domain name will help spread the WSR word further across the web. Which of course is what all this is about! I have made a few cosmetic changes to the pages, notably adding the word "unofficial" on the front page. Thanks.

1 July 2000

 Mogul to rise from Prairie?
The WSR's July edition of Online reports the following:
"At the Company AGM on Saturday June 24th it was officially announced that it is intended to rebuild 5193 as a "Mogul", closely akin to the 73xx design which was once such a major part of the Somerset railway picture on the lines from Taunton to Minehead and to Barnstaple. Structurally the "Moguls" and the "Large Prairies" were closely akin, courtesy of the standardisation of components at Swindon begun by G.J. Churchward, and the main difference between the Swindon-built batch and the Minehead constructed example will be the boiler. The project has already been christened in some quarters the "G.W.R. Mongrel". Work will begin when the overhaul of 53808 has been completed."

29 June 2000 Courtesy of WSR's On-Line

 Class 14 D9551 for sale...
March web reports that the WSR plc is putting the class 14 no D9551 up for sale. We have nothing official yet from the Railway, but for more details, check out March Web

17 June 2000 Courtesy of March Web

 Plans for Dinmore Manor's 50th birthday
The Dinmore Manor Fund report..."As Dinmore Manor is 50 years old this year we are planning to run a special train on the WSR on the 1st Oct 2000 hopefully hauled by 7820 from BL(dep11.35) to Minehead(arr 12.46), returning from Minehead 16.45. Cost £10.00 to include Fish & Chip lunch(alternatives available). For further details contact John Sparks,4 Culew Way, Exeter EX4 4SW Tel 01392 216249 or Email"

4 June 2000 Kindly supplied by the Dinmore Manor Fund

 News from the Film Industry concerning the WSR...
The WSR as seen in 1964 is hitting the big screen in America this autumn with the re-release of the Beatles film A Hard Day's Night. It has been bought and restored with stereo sound track by Miramax (Shakespeare In Love etc) It opens in October ahead of the publication of the mega official Beatles biography

When the film The Land Girls was shown on Channel 4 recently, it attracted an audience of 3.9 million making it the channel's most popular programme of the week.

1 August 2000 Details courtesy of local correspondent

 "Exmoor Coast Express" visits on 5 August...
A railtour, from Crewe, and headed by a Class 47 will run through to Minehead, and return, on 5 August 2000. The "Exmoor Coast Express" railtour is organised by Cheshire Railtours.

28 July 2000 Details courtesy of local correspondent

 "Western" D1023 "Western Fusilier" gets a run on 29 July...
The "Western" is scheduled for the diagram starting with the 0930 from Bishops Lydeard on 29 July. This is probably the last chance of a run before the hydraulic returns on 2 August, to its home at the National Railway Museum, via the Old Oak Common "do", where it will play a starring role. The loco will also run on the preceding afternoon, 28 July, with D7017 on the Williton to Minehead run, and then run back up to Lydeard.

22 July 2000 Details courtesy of the Diesel and Electric Group

 Red engine approaching...
Some of us who are keen to see a Midland loco on the line in the famous crimson lake livery, will get only part way towards that vision, when "Taw Valley", the rebuilt West Country pacific, pays another visit to West Somerset soon.

The loco is, rather oddly, sporting a non-authentic red livery at present, and, may not be repainted into a more appropriate colour as has been reported, as further promotional work is on the cards for the Bulleid engine (I wonder what he would have made of all this?). It seems the promotion of the "Harry Potter" books are behind the unusual colour scheme.

"Taw Valley" will arrive soon, and will stay at least until after the September Gala.

1 July 2000 Details courtesy of WSR's On-Line

 End of August Diesel Running Weekend is off...
News has arrived suggesting that the expected Diesel Running Weekend on 26 and 27 August is OFF. This was to have featured the Diesel Hydraulics.

15 August 2000 Details courtesy of local correspondent

 Bulleid Pacific "West Country" no 34027 "Taw Valley" arrives
In a press release issued on 12 August, the WSR plc announced: Pic by Tim King


One of Britain's largest surviving express steam engines will be making a return summer's visit to Britain's longest "heritage" line, the West Somerset between Bishops Lydeard, near Taunton, and Minehead. The locomotive, Bulleid Pacific 34027 "Taw Valley", is wearing a coat of bright red paint following its use at the head of a promotional train in connection with the latest "Harry Potter" book.

In this guise "Taw Valley" represents (and is wearing the appropriate nameplates) the engine that heads the "Hogwarts Express" from platform nine and three quarters at Kings Cross Station in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". The locomotive will remain in its red livery throughout its stay on the WSR and it is due to enter traffic on Monday August 14th. It will head the 10.25 a.m. and 2.10 p.m. from Bishops Lydeard and the 12.15 p.m. and 3.55 p.m. from Minehead on Sundays to Thursdays each week. The engine will also "star" in the Railway's Autumn Steam Gala between September 8th and 10th before returning to main line work thereafter. Pic by Tim King

WSR Managing Director commented: "The visit of "Taw Valley" in its "Harry Potter" livery will bring a different element to the school holidays season on the Railway although none of our stations has more than three platforms and they are reached by gates rather than magical gaps in the fencing. Nor do our passengers regularly bring owls or toads on to the trains. As well as a trip to the seaside our younger visitors will also find plenty of other things to do along the Railway, including the animal centres at Stogumber and Blue Anchor. Hopefully like Harry they will find a train ride behind a scarlet steam engine a magical experience."

12 August 2000 Details courtesy of WSR plc

 Third Large Prairie for September Gala...
GWR Large Prairie 2-6-2T no 4141 from the Llangollen Railway is to join sister locos nos 4144 and 4160 for the Autumn Steam Gala on 8-10 September, making it another first for the WSR with three Large Prairies in service on the same Railway in preservation. The Large Prairies are, of course, quite typical of the motive power in the latter days of BR steam on the West Somerset, and were often seen hauling the "country end" leg of London expresses - the heavier main-line locos were barred at the time from the Branch.

18 August 2000 Details courtesy of local correspondent and March Web

 First Great Western coaches berthed at Minehead
On-Line reports "Four coaches from a First Great Western HST were delivered to the station by 47816 of Bristol Bath Road for stabling and are currently residing in the Bay sidings at Minehead. These were, as reported in the local press, involved in the Ladbroke Grove disaster, and they are with us against FGW holding another of their emergency procedures exercises in the Bishops Lydeard - Norton section."

1 June 2000 Courtesy of WSRs On-Line

 "Bodmin" comes to WSR in September...
On 9 September, West Country class no 34016 ‘BODMIN’ will run Alton, Aldershot, Guildford and Reading to Bishops Lydeard for West Somerset Railway Gala. Outward and return via Westbury, Frome and Taunton. WSR locomotive haulage to and from Minehead. Diesel haulage (Class 37 requested) from Bishops Lydeard to Westbury, where 34016 takes over through to Alton.

13 May 2000 Courtesy of Daylight Tours web site

 Failures spoil the Party...
Two failures, one on each day, spoiled the 21st anniversary celebrations on 10 and 11 June. First was the visiting Black 5, no 45337, which although running fine on its first round trip, suffered reported injector trouble at Bishops Lydeard at the start of the second run. The loco was late into Crowcombe, and paused for some 15 minutes or so, whilst steam was raised. The loco limped off down the bank, but, it is reported, both injectors failed at Washford. The loco made it to Minehead, but was then out of service for the rest of the weekend. News of repairs are awaited.

Then, on the Sunday morning, Hymek D7017 disgraced itself by failing in mid section near Nornvis Bridge on the first full-line down rain of the day, due to a technical fault involving water (or lack of). Pannier no 6412 was sent from Lydeard and succeeded in banking the five coach train and D7017 up the 1 in 81 to Crowcombe. After some attempts to rectify the fault, 6412 ran round and hauled the whole lot to Williton, where it was relieved by the Crompton class 33 no 33048 (Southern fans now take a bow) which took the rain and D7017 onto Minehead. Western fans should not be too dismayed as the fault was put right and the Hymek put up some spirited runs from then on.

Other than that, the weekend did seem to prove very successful with many passengers and visitors and things to photograph - and an Sunday evening charter, not part of the celebrations, took an estimated 600+ passengers to Minehead and back in an eleven coach double-headed train...

12 June 2000 Eye-witness accounts

 Black Five's short stay on WSR
The Black Five, no 45337, will stay on the WSR til 20 July at the most, so make the most of a bit of Stanier's work while you can - travel, snap or whatever...

1 June 2000 Courtesy of WSRs On-Line

 Black Duo to grace the 21st anniversary party
The event on 10 and 11 June will be enhanced by the appearance of two black locos in the shape of LMS 'Black 5' No 45337 (from the East Lancashire Railway) and GWR '1366' Class 0-6-0PT No 1369 (normally based at the South Devon Railway).

The joint WSR/WSRA Press Release continues "...No 1369 will be 'stopping-off' at the WSR on its way back to the SDR after attending the 'Didcot 2000' event (at which the WSR's own GWR 64XX 0-6-0PT No 6412 will also be present), and the 21st Anniversary Gala is likely to be the only opportunity to see the unique GWR outside cylinder pannier tank in action on the WSR. Conversely, No 45337 is making a slightly longer 'guest visit' to the WSR. The 'Black 5' will be used regularly on WSR service trains - together the other engine's in the Railway's 'core fleet' (GWR Nos 7820, 7828, 4160, supported by No 6412) - though the 21st Anniversary Gala will see No 45337 making its first public appearances in steam on the WSR..."

Click here for more details of the weekend events

13 May 2000 Courtesy of WSR/WSRA Press Release dated 10 May 2000

 Twenty-First Anniversary Weekend 10-11 June
The 21st anniversary of the opening to Bishops Lydeard (and Norton Fitzwarren) will be celebrated by a special "do" on 10 and 11 June. The main events will be, appropriately, at Bishops Lydeard. The "red" timetable will operate with additional services. Whilst we won't see any Bagnalls (pity) we will see Hymek D7107 in action. The pannier tank no 6412 will be around, along with "Kilmersdon". The main line services will be handled by one of the main steam fleet, D7107 and a "Western". Click here for more details...

12 May 2000 Courtesy of the Journal and On-Line

 The Magnificent Twenty-two...
In what could be a record of a kind for such a railway, Steve Martin, the Operating Superintendent at Minehead, reports that no fewer than twenty-two different types of motive power turned a wheel during March 2000. Steve continues " observer up and down the line [in March] would have seen steam locos nos 1788 "Kilmersdon", 4160, 5051 "Earl Bathurst", 6024, 6412, 7325, 7820, 7828 and 9466 in action, alongside diesel classes 04, 08, 25, 33, 35, 47, 52, 59/1, 59/2, 66 plus the 115/117 DMU, a First Great Western HST and a Barclay 0-4-0 shunter..."

10 May 2000 Courtesy of the Journal

 WSR Loco walkabout...
The Spring 2000 "Journal" reports that the WSRA-owned GWR 0-6-0PT no 6412, already a seasoned traveller, is to visit the Didcot 2000 event at the Great Western Society's Didcot base between 27 May and 4 June. The Pannier will appear alongside LNER express locos "Blue Peter" and "Flying Scotsman" (when will we see them on the WSR??? No 6412 will return to Somerset in time for the 21st Anniversary "do" on 10 and 11 June (more details of this event will appear here soon)
Later in the summer, the Diesel and Electric Groups's locos, no D1010 "Western Campaigner" and the Hymek D7017 will travel to the Old Oak Common 2000 event on 5 and 6 August.

5 May 2000

 Somerset Summer for Large Prairie...
The Spring 2000 "Journal" also reports that the Great Western Society's Large Prairie no 4144 will spend July and August on the WSR (this adds to details already announced on this site) giving the chance of yet more authentic recreations.

5 May 2000

 Timings for D1023 "Western Fusilier" on 29 April...
The newly arrived "Western" , on loan from the National Railway Museum, will run on Saturday 29 April 2000, and will complete some 100 miles over the West Somerset metals.

D1023 will head the 0940 Bishops Lydeard-Minehead and the 1110 return; then the 1305 Bishops Lydeard to Minehead; next is the 1450 Minehead to Williton, and the 1545 back to Minehead; and lastly, the 1645 Minehead to Bishops Lydeard.

17 April 2000

 New book about the West Somerset Railway
"The West Somerset Railway - Past and Present" is a new book by John Stretton which shows pictures of the Railway in the old days, with new pictures taken last year from very similar positions. The new result is a lot of fun as the reader scans each photo looking for common objects and features...

The book is available from Bishops Lydeard Station Shop and also from The Nostaglia Collection web site

12 April 2000

 Visiting locomotives...
It seems that two ex-GWR locos may well arrive on the Railway later in the season, dates have yet to be announced. The locos are 2-6-2T no 4144 and 2-8-0T no 4248. Both are of classes that have run on the preserved WSR in the last few years, but are both most suited to the line and will be most welcome.
1 April 2000 Unofficial unconfirmed news
 News from the West Somerset Railway Press Office...
"The starring locomotive in the West Somerset Railway's recent highly successful Spring Gala, No. 6024 'King Edward I' will be operating again over the twenty miles of line between Bishops Lydeard near Taunton and Minehead over the Easter and early May Bank Holidays. It will run on April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th and then again on April 30th and May 1st. These are planned to be its last runs through the Quantock Hills before the former pride of the Great Western Railway returns to main line duties at the head of a Pathfinder Tours excursion in mid-May. On the five days of operation the "King" will leave Bishops Lydeard at 10.25 and 2.10 and Minehead at 12.15 and 3.55.

When steam locomotives gave way to diesels at the head of the Western Region of British Railways' express trains in the 1960's one of the most-popular and successful classes was the Class 52 'Westerns', one of which D1023 'Western Fusilier' is now part of the National Railway Museum Collection at York. Agreement has been reached between the NRM and the Williton Traction Group to bring this engine to the WSR for the summer and it will be working trains over the WSR for the first time on April 29th. It will do two round trips over the line leaving Bishops Lydeard at 9.40 and 1.05 and Minehead at 11.10 and 5.30.

WSR Managing Director commented "We are pleased to be playing host to two generations of former top-flight passenger train power and we look forward to welcoming passengers who would like to either revive memories of their past journeys or to sample the experiences for the first time." "

31 March 2000 From an official press release from the Company

 New WSRA loco?
The WSRA to purchase a locomotive? So said the Official Souvenir Programme for the Spring Steam Gala. What news? I cannot tell - there are several rumours including two about certain locos of power class 4 but who knows? News on this site as soon as it breaks...
30 March 2000

 Spring Steam Gala Success...
What a fantastic weekend of steam! Great for the passengers with trains running at (seemingly) tube-train intervals; great for photographers and great for the Railway which had a bumper start to the season.

The highlights, and there were many more than I could list here, were no 6412 with two genuine GWR coaches on the Friday and Sunday, giving stark contrast to the "express" trains headed by BIG locos, each looking truly the part in the glorious Somerset countryside. The evening "photoshoot" was an inspired move, and even the Wolverhampton HST played the perfect modern equivalent in its First Great Western livery. The "off-rail" events, such as the open day at Williton and the book signing at Lydeard and Minehead, and the model railway at Lydeard, also produced quite a few "wows". But for me, the best sight was the overflowing car park at Lydeard - it just showed how far the Railway has come.
30 March 2000

 First "Doniford" Stone Train runs...
 The first consignment of rock armour from Mendip for the beach defences at Helwell Bay arrived on Monday 6 March 2000 behind Class 59 no 59001 "Yeoman Endeavour".
8 March 2000 Unconfirmed unofficial news

 "KING EDWARD I" running on WSR..
The King arrived as expected and was noted hauling passenger trains on Sunday 5 March 2000 between Minehead and Williton in glorious sunshine. A great sight! (Pic by Tim King)
8 March 2000

 Stone trains due to run again...this time to Doniford
The unofficial West Somerset Railway News group at oneLIST has a message posted which claims the Doniford stone trains will start running on Monday 6 March 2000. Worked by class 60 or 37 or possibly 59, the loaded train , the 0239 ex-Merehead, departs Fairwater Yard at 0645 with arrival at Doniford for unloading at 0740. After unloading, the train proceeds empty to Blue Anchor, where the loco runs round. Departure from BA will be at 1200, arrive Norton Fitzwarren at 1300 and Westbury at 1525. The trains may run Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with 20 MEAs behind the loco. For how long?
4 March 2000 Unconfirmed unofficial news
One of the three surviving members of a class of 30 elite express steam locomotives built by the former Great Western Railway was due to make its way on to the West Somerset Railway in the small hours of Friday March 3rd.

Number 6024 "King Edward I" has been undergoing overhaul at the Yeovil Steam Centre during the winter months and is now moving to the Bishops Lydeard to Minehead line for the month of March. Initially the engine will be running-in and testing following the repairs before making an appropriately regal return to passenger working on March 18th when it makes its solitary way to London, returning along the main line at the head of a through train organised by Pathfinder Tours, bringing a train load of passengers to West Somerset, the first through train along the WSR in its 2000 season.
(The through train will be at Bishops Lydeard at 2.30 and Minehead an hour later).

The Pathfinder train and its passengers leaves Minehead on the same afternoon but 6024 will be having a longer stay at the seaside, although hardly a restful one. The following weekend the loco co-stars with "Castle" class 5051 "Earl Bathurst" and up to six other Swindon designed engines in the WSR's Spring Gala, working an intensive timetable of trains over the three days March 24th to 26th.

West Somerset Railway Managing Director reports that the Gala is already attracting a great deal of interest. "The lure of the "King" and the "Castle", plus the supporting cast of two "Manors", a "Mogul", a "Prairie Tank" and two "Pannier Tanks" has seen a large volume of pre-bookings from across Britain", he said "and we know that bookings for the through train from London have been brisk. The Spring Gala is the real launching point of our 2000 season but we expect good numbers at Bishops Lydeard station and along the line on the 18th to see "Edward I" pass at the head of the excursion, with the opportunity to ride behind the engine and the others the following weekend."

6024 was built at Swindon Works in 1930 and together with the other thirty members of the "King" Class headed the heaviest GWR and British Railways Western Region express trains until the early 1960's. They never ran to Minehead until the "preservation era" when the West Somerset Railway strengthened bridges and culverts along the twenty mile line to permit the passage of the heavier locomotives such as the "Kings" and "Castles". Two other "Kings" survive 6000 "King George V" and 6023 "King Edward II".

Details of the Gala can be obtained from the West Somerset Railway, The Station, Minehead, TA24 5BG (01643 704996) or at FOR COMMENT ON THIS RELEASE CONTACT: Mark Smith or John Simms on 01643 704996
2 March 2000 Official Press Release - with thanks to the Railway

 Silver Passes for Long Service...
As reported in the WSR Journal no 89, the first Silver Passes have been awarded to Long Service Staff, that is, people who have given dedicated work for the Railway over a long period of time. Some 9 or so good people received their Silver Pass at the end of October last year. The Silver Pass entitles the holder and one other person to free travel for life on the Railway.
23 February 2000 with thanks to WSR Journal
 1999 is a Record Year for West Somerset Railway
The March Web WSR Web Site reports: "All previous records for WSR passenger numbers were surpassed in the 1999 season by a handsome margin. Up to then end of 31 December 1999 (but not including the final 3 days of the season 1-3 Jan), the total number of passengers carried was 153,832 well in excess of the previous record of 146,883 established in 1997. The 1999 figures were well ahead of the budget target, and have also resulted in excellent business for the catering and retail departments.". This Web Site says "Well Done".
16 February 2000 with thanks to March Web
 Diesel Running Days in 2000
The March Web WSR Web Site also reports, "Following the disappointing level of support at the Autumn Diesel Gala in September 1999, the event is to be dropped from the WSR programme for 2000. However diesel locomotive haulage will feature at a number of events during throughout the year. May 20-21 will be a diesel running weekend which is expected to feature the NRM's Class 52 Western D1023 together with all available WSR resident main line diesels. DEPG's Hymek D7017 will feature on the June 10-11 event to mark the 21st anniversary of the return of services to Bishops Lydeard. Diesel locos will also be in operation on April 29 (Western Running Day featuring D1010 and D1023), June 28-29, August 4-5 and August 25-26. In place of the traditional autumn diesel gala, there will be a mixed weekend on September 23-24 featuring combined steam and diesel operation recreating the Western Region scene of the early 1960s. ". A few more details are available - Click here
16 February 2000 with thanks to March Web