News from May 2006...

• Summer Guard required...
If you a qualified railway guard and fancy a paid job on the West Somerset Railway during the summer months, then read on. The Railway has a vacancy for a "summer temporary guard". The post will be open to any interested guards to apply covering the summer period from the beginning of July to mid September. Remuneration will be paid for four days in any seven day period which may included weekends and will require willingness to carry out any guarding duties from both Bishops Lydeard and Minehead as directed by the Roster Clerk. Anyone interested in applying for the post should do so by letter to the General Manager, Paul Conibeare, at the Railway Station, Minehead by Monday 12 June.

30 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc
• The WSR arrives at Taunton...
West Somerset Railway engineers have been busy at Taunton Station wiring up the signal release equipment that will allow the signalmen at Exeter to clear the signals and permit trains on and off the WSR. The procedure for a down train is the WSR Conductor Driver collects the token from Bishops Lydeard, goes to Taunton or Silk Mill, reports to the Exeter signalman by phone and then puts the token through the machine and takes it out. This enables the signalman at Exeter to clear the appropriate signals.The telephone on the wall gives direct communication with the Exeter PSB. A similiar installation is being provided at Silk Mill Relay Room which is located under the new bridge.

26 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc
• Records, Growth and Accolades...
Chris Austin
In 2005, the West Somerset Railway enjoyed record numbers of passengers, increased income and turnover and also acknowledged as the Heritage Railway of the Year as revealed in the Annual Report by WSR Chairman Chris Austin. The volunteers and staff are rightly thanked for their tireless efforts, along with the various Friends and particularly the Special Events Planning Team. As for the future, Chris reminds us of several calls for funds for the continuing development of the Railway, such as the installation of the turnatble at Minehead, the restoration of "Odney Manor" and the completion of the EKT single line control system throughout the whole line. Also, the need to double the capacity of the locomotive facilities at Bishops Lydeard, along with more car parking at the southern terminus. The list continues - more sidings; signalling and track improvements at Norton Fitzwarren, including the new Allerford Junction; more office, retail and catering space; continuing improvements in the track. Chris concludes by expressing thanks to Mark Smith, who stepped down recently as Managing Director, for his commitment, professionalism and inspiration over the last sixteen years.

26 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc
• Do not run the risk...
Level Crossing
The West Somerset Railway is backing a National Campaign to improve safety on Level Crossings. Network Rail are spending £3 million on a hard-hitting advertising campaign to get the message home that level crossings must be used sensibly as a basic tenet of personal safety around railway lines. John Armitt, Network Rail’s Chief Executive said: "Too many people die at level crossings every year – it’s a senseless waste of life." West Somerset Railway General Manager Paul Conibeare echoed the sentiments and added "A steam locomotive pulling six carriages weighs between 250 and 300 hundred tons which is a considerable force if it comes into contact with something." More...

24 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc
• Signal E627...
Engineers from Network Rail were busy on 23 May at Norton Fitzwarren Junction installing the exit signal from the Minehead Branch to the main rail network. Signal E627 replaces the former position light signal and is located some 80 yards from the points and is also fitted with AWS and TPWS. The signal is equipped with a single lens type capable of showing a red or green aspect. A signal post telephone has also been installed and will give direct access to signallers at Exeter Panel. Trains coming off the Minehead Branch will be given a route to the bi-directional Down Relief.

23 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc
• Loco news...
No 850 © Ian Saunders
And now for something completely different as two recently restored steam locomotives are set to shine the West Somerset rails. Ex-GWR 2-8-0 no 3850 has been undergoing running-in trials over the last few weeks and is rostered for Steam Engineman courses this week. The heavy freight loco is expected to start hauling passenger trains soon, perhaps over the Bank Holiday weekend. Meanwhile at Eastleigh, ex-Southern Railway 4-6-0 no 850 "Lord Nelson" is nearing completion and, although not confirmed., may commence running-in on the Norton section at the end of June, followed by a stint on service trains between Bishops Lydeard and Minehead.

23 May 2006 
Details from local correspondents
• Pigeons, canopies and recipes...
The latest newsletter of the Friends of Minehead Station (FoMS) - who look after the seaside terminus station - reveals a host of activities. The small canopy alongside the main building has been renovated, along with a number of platform and other signs. Keeping the FoMS volunteers very busy is a long list of maintenance tasks, ranging from general painting to gardening. The canopies seem to provide pigeons with the ideal roosting and nesting facilties, but this creates problems with droppings, so FoMS have tried a few measures to deter the pigeons, including the use of a falcon. More recently the playback of a recording of distressed birds has been successful. The Readers Halt Bookstall continues to be a success and is a major fundraiser for FoMS, contributing to the renovation of the large and small canopies, platform resurfacing, lighting, toilet refurbishment, reinstatement of the chimneys and so on. The gardens continue to receive the FoMS touch, with a major trimming exercise of the leylandii hedge that screens the bay sidings from the car park. A Summer Fair wil be held on the platform on 29 July. Finally, a request has gone out for recipes to help with compilation of a cookery book...

20 May 2006 
Details from FoMS
• The Park Royal DMU leaves...
Park Royal
One of the first vehicles to work services on the West Somerset Railway has left for pastures new. In 1976 and with a view to providing a regular service along the line, the Railway purchased two two-car Park Royal Diesel Multiple Units from Biritish Railways. Both saw intensive use in the first few years. Eventually, both fell out of use - one set was scrapped and the other sold to the Diesel and Electric Preservation Group who made a start on restoration. Witrh many other pressing demands for attention, the DEPG realised the Park Royal would have to be sold or scrapped. Happily, the folks at the Helston Railway project in Cornwall took an interest and on 14 May the DMU started its westward journey. The unit moved from Williton to Bishops Lydeard and it is due to depart by road on early next week - the power car (no 50413) first followed by the trailer car (no56169 ). Incidentally, in the same consist was the Starfish PW wagon destined for a move to the Gloucesteshire Warwickshire Railway for their Gala.

19 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc
• The WSR Time Team...
WSR Time Team © Peter Gleed
The WSR have been digging trenches at the Norton Fitzwarren site in the fashion of the Channel 4 TV archaeological series Time Team. Wessex Water have a pressurised sewer from Cotford St Luke running across the land at Norton. The Railway need to locate the sewer and attempted to locate the sewer by hand digging an admirable trench 22 feet long by nearly 5 feet deep. In true Time Team fashion, and despite the intervention of a fifth member of the gang - with "Geophys" divining rods, day one has revealed no sewer or archaeology...

19 May 2006 
Details from WSRA
• GWR Sleeping Car enters traffic...
No 9038 © Ian Coleby
Saturday 13 May 2006 was an historic day for the West Somerset Steam Railway Trust as its Great Western Railway Sleeping Car, no 9038, was returned to traffic after a twenty-year restoration project. The coach was officially opened by Lady Acland-Hood-Gass, President of the Trust, who cut the ceremonial ribbon at Bishops Lydeard station before the coach left for Minehead behind WSR 2-6-0 no 9351 on the 10.25am train.
More words and pictures on this story

13 May 2006 
Details from WSSRT
• Nettles, Betjeman and the WSR...
Actor John Nettles paid a visit to the West Somerset Railway on 6 May. John, along with a BBC film crew, was met and accompanied by General Manager Paul Conibeare during the filming of a documentary on the life of Sir John Betjeman, who was born one hundred years ago in 1906. During his life, Betjeman made much use of railways and trains in his works, and featured in well-remembered short films of journeys by train. More on the John Betjeman centenary can be found at

6 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc and WSRA
• Back to Buckfastleigh...
GWR 64xx Class 0-6-0PT no 6412 – which was purchased by the WSRA from the Dart Valley Light Railway plc in early 1976, and delivered to the WSR immediately prior to the re-opening of the line – is to return to Buckfastleigh over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend. Together with sister engine no 6430 (also originally purchased by the DVLR, but now based at Llangollen), no 6412 will be visiting the South Devon Railway to take part in their "West Country Branch Line & Real Ale Festival" event on 27-29 May. The two 64xx pannier tanks will work single coach auto trains, normal passenger services and goods trains over the course of the event, and there will also be an opportunity to doublehead the engines – a sight not seen for over thirty years. No 6412 will return to the WSR in early June.

6 May 2006 
Details from WSRA
• And now for 2007...
With the dust just about settled after the record-breaking Spring Steam Gala, the dates for the same event in 2007 have been decided. The "Gala Proper" will 17-18 March and 22-25 March 2007. In addition a "Red" timetable of four steam trains a day each way will run on the 19, 20 and 26 March, which will help people to to and from the event by train. Which is, of course, what the Railway is for. No news on the theme of the 2007 event as yet.

3 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc
• Through trains...
Norton Upgrade
Work is well underway on upgrading the main line connection at Norton Fitzwarren. Undertaken by Network Rail and paid for Somerset County Council with contributions from Taunton Deane and West Somerset District Councils, the blockade closes the single line between the junction and mile post 165¼ from 10 April until commissioning, now expected to be over the weekend of 3-4 June. Once complete, the current restriction on the number of passenger trains using the main line link will be removed and many more charter trains can be accepted, and next year, we hope, some scheduled services in the summer as well. The WSR has started discussions with main line operators looking at the possibilities of some summer through services. A shuttle for gala days is also being discussed.

3 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc
• Sleeping Car enters service...
9038 © Jon Tooke
Saturday 13 May will be another milestone in the history of the WSR with the return to railway service of a vintage coach in the form of GWR Sleeping Coach no 9038. Rescued from being part of a bungalow at Stogursey the Sleeping Coach has been restored over many years by a team from the West Somerset Railway Steam Trust at Williton. It will obviously not be in service on a daily basis but will be attached to the 10.25am train from Bishops Lydeard on 13 May after a ceremonial recommissioning by Lady Elizabeth Gass, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset. Invited members of the Steam Trust will be travelling, seated on the bunks. The Trust is now turning its attentions to GWR "Toplight" no 3639 and will be very pleased to hear from carpenters, metalworkers, painters and others who may be keen to help out with the restoration. If you would like to help contact Chris van den Arend via Williton Station.

3 May 2006 
Details from WSR Plc