News from May 2014...
Less than a week away to the diesel hydraulic gala of the year!
WSR Just under a week away now from the West Somerset Railway's annual Mixed Traction Weekend from Friday 6 June to Sunday 8 June 2014. There are some real highlights including a 'mega train' of a decent train length hauled by Western no D1015 on the Friday working the 5pm from Bishops Lydeard to Minehead. There will be other double heading over the weekend including the two remaining Warships running together. On Sunday you have the chance to get a first ride in behind Class 09 shunter no 09019 on the Bishops Lydeard - Norton Fitzwarren shuttles. There will be a chance to ride behind locally-based Western no D1010 which due to work on all three days of the event. Visiting locos nos D821 and D1015 will be ably supported by the home fleet of hydraulics including D7017, D1010, D832 and D9526, all cared for at Williton by the Diesel and Electric Preservation Group. If you are visiting on Saturday and coming by train, a DMU shuttle service is operating between Taunton - Bishops Lydeard to make the transfer onto the railway that little bit easier. See for more information on ticket buying and timetables. See for more information on the home fleet of hydraulic locos cared for by the DEPG.

31 May 2014
Details from Diesel and Electric Preservation Group
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Special train fares for armed forces members on Watchet Memorial Day
WSR On Saturday 28 June 2014 current and former members of Britain's armed services and their families will be able to travel at half-price on the West Somerset Railway. The date in question is Watchet Memorial Day when the ancient harbour town will be formally dedicating its new memorial to the town's people who fell in action during the two World Wars. With a seafaring tradition going back over 1000 years Watchet has seen many of its residents using their nautical experience in the defence of the country whilst the railway line took many men away to serve and also brought them home on leave and after their final discharge from the services. There was also a base at nearby Doniford from 1925 to 1982 and anti-aircraft gunners practiced their skills from the cliff tops there. The WSR is offering the discounted travel so that as many servicemen and members of former service associations can attend the event and also as their own tribute to the fallen. With the formal ceremony and act of remembrance starting at 11 o'clock the Railway has retimed its first trains of the day from Bishops Lydeard and Minehead with earlier departures from the two termini to bring passengers into Watchet in good time for passengers to make their way to the site. It is intended that one of the steam locomotives working trains on the day will be GWR 4-6-0 no 7828 Norton Manor, carrying nameplates dedicated to the home base of 40 Commando Royal Marines. In a further tribute to the Royal Marines, the Head Gardener at Bishops Lydeard Station, Clive Goddard, has outshopped his popular "blue train" on the Up platform in commemoration of the Royal Marines 350 year anniversary 1664 to 2014 with the engine is named GIBRALTAR after their first major conflict in 1704 for the battle of Gibraltar - see picture.

30 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc and local correspondent
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More attractions for visitors to the Mixed Traction Weekend
WSR During the Mixed Traction Weekend visitors to the Diesel and Electric Preservation Group's Depot and Heritage Centre at Williton will find Rob Saunders selling his second hand model railway equipment there once again. There will also be railwayana on sale on the platform at Minehead station. For more information about the three day Mixed Traction Weekend (6, 7, 8 June 2014) please click here.

29 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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Celebrating cheese and cider on the West Somerset Railway
WSR A double treat for lovers of traditional Somerset food and drink as the West Somerset Railway joins forces with the Somerset Cheese, Cider & Moozic Fest' 2014 to promote cheese and cider aboard a steam train on England's longest heritage railway between Bishops Lydeard (near Taunton) and Minehead on Friday 20 June 2014. The main Fest' takes place on the weekend of 21-22 June and the organisers, Cricketer Farm Cheddar, have added an additional day dedicated to fifty of the country's most ardent cheese and cider lovers. Travelling to Somerset from all over the UK, all fifty will board the specially chartered 'Cheese & Cider Steam Express' carriage on Friday 20 June before indulging in an unforgettable Somerset Ploughman's lunch, with music, cheese, cider and sightseeing thrown in. Much more information about the festival can be found at

27 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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The Quantock Belle has a new addition to the family...
WSR The ever-popular Quantock Belle has a new addition. Jupiter is a generator car overhauled and configured at the West Somerset Restoration workshop at Williton. Tickets are nearly sold out for June but there are a few seats left on Sunday, 1 June 2014. Advance booking is essential, so please ring 01823 433856 for reservations. Looking further ahead, those attending the Steam Fayre and Vintage Vehicle Rally in early August might be interested in a special Saturday evening Quantock Belle steam hauled from Bishops Lydeard to Minehead and back on 2 August, with a table d'hôte menu featuring a tasty soup of the day, followed by a gourmet West Country meat pasty with new potatoes and vegetables, finishing off with dessert and coffee. On the return journey a cheese platter will be served. For reservations, please ring 01823 433856. More about the Quantock Belle here.

27 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Association
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Introducing the Mixed Traction Weekend Mega Train!
WSR The West Somerset Railway is pleased to offer a unique Mega Train experience on Friday 6 June as part of the Mixed Traction Weekend. The Mega Train experience comprises a return trip from Bishops Lydeard to Minehead on a special 12 coach train hauled by Class 52 no D1015 Western Champion on the 5pm Bishops Lydeard departure and hauled by Class 42 no D832 Onslaught on the 7.10pm departure from Minehead. Staff may use their Christmas card vouchers on this train and the optional catering service is £10 per person to cover the first pint of real ale and a portion of fish and chips, which will be delivered to Minehead for the 7.10pm departure The fish and chip tickets can be bought in advance only from the Minehead information office by phoning 01643 704996 or popping in to see one of the Sales and Marketing team. There will be a regular buffet on the train serving hot and cold drinks and light refreshments and a real ale bar with a selection of locally brewed ales to sample. For those wanting transport back to Minehead without using the car, alight at Williton at 7.46pm, and board a special train back to Minehead at 7.52pm, arriving in Minehead at 8.27pm. More about the Mixed Traction Weekend here.

23 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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The Mixed Traction Weekend Souvenir Programme is now available
WSR The Souvenir Programme for the Mixed Traction Weekend is now on sale at WSR stations or via 01643 704996 for £3.00. It includes the locomotive diagrams, potted locomotive histories and information about what to see and do along the line during the three days. More about the Mixed Traction Weekend here.

23 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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Lots of Bank Holiday activities along the route of the Railway
WSR With the Bank Holiday weekend and Half Term holiday looming along there are a number of events that can be visited using the West Somerset Railway's train services. Dunster Beach Holiday Park is about ten minutes walking time from Dunster Station has a Family Fun Day in aid of local charities on Sunday 25 May. The Dunster Castle Express will be running on Saturday 24 May and Wednesday 28 May from Bishops Lydeard giving a full day out at the thousand-year-old Dunster Castle. At the Castle the Bowmen of Danesfield are staging 'Have a Go Archery' on the 24 to 26 May and 29 May to 31 May. WSR passengers not using the Dunster Castle Express can obtain a discount on admission to the Castle (need to show WSR tickets). Discounted admission can also be obtained by WSR ticket holders at Cleeve Abbey (English Heritage) which is a twenty minute walk from Washford Station; the Somerset and Dorset Railway Trust Museum at Washford Station will be open. At Watchet Sunday is 'Wheelbarrow Race Day' billed as Watchet's answer to Formula One. Twenty eight teams of two race around the old harbour town, fancy dress is common and the 'pit area' is on the Esplanade five minutes walk from Watchet Station; on Wednesday 28 May the weekly open air market takes place on the Esplanade. Or perhaps the idea of walking in the Quantock Hills appeals - alight at either of Crowcombe Heathfield or Stogumber stations and pick-up a leaflet showing various walks between the two quiet country stations; home made refreshments are available at both stations. And looking ahead to 31 May perhaps enjoy a spot of steam travel and some amateur sleuthing - there are a few seats left (which must be pre-booked) for the Murder Mystery train.

23 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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GWR steam locomotive makes anniversary return to Somerset in October
WSR When the Taunton locomotive shed officially closed its doors to steam locomotives on 4 October 1964 one of the last three engines to leave was Great Western Railway 2-8-0 no 3802. On Saturday 4 October 2014, fifty years to the day, it will be one of the guest steam locomotives hired-in for the West Somerset Railway's Autumn Steam Gala which takes place between Thursday 2 October and Sunday 5 October. No 3802 was built at Swindon in 1938 and was one of 167 locomotives built by the GWR for the haulage of heavy mineral trains. It is normally based on the Llangollen Railway and the WSR wishes to thank the Llangollen for giving permission for the engine to attend and the anniversary to take place. Other locomotives lined-up to appear at the Autumn Steam Gala include a classmate of no 3802, GWR 2-8-0 no 3850 built at Swindon in 1942 and the GWR passenger engines nos 4936 Kinlet Hall, 6960 Raveningham Hall, and 7828 Odney Manor. More guest engines confirmed as due to attend are the Class 14xx loco no 1450 and 'Small Prairies' nos 4566 and 5542. No 5542 was based at Taunton for many years of its service on the Great Western and British Railways and worked to Minehead as well as on the closed branch lines to Barnstaple, Chard and Yeovil. Discounted Rover Tickets for the Autumn Gala are on sale now via the website at or 01643 704996.

21 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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Freehold of the WSR: a statement by West Somerset Railway Association
WSR The West Somerset Railway Association has issued a statement in response to the Somerset County Council's public announcement of 20 May 2014: "The Association was informed on Monday 19th May that Somerset County Council had decided not to sell the freehold interest of the Railway to either interested party, as neither the WSRA nor WSR PLC offers were able to meet all of the criteria laid down by the Council. We are pleased that the County Council will continue its interest in the Railway for the time being, but remain concerned that the line in its current form remains vulnerable to sale beyond the present two interested parties, an outcome which would be in the interests of neither the Railway or the wider Somerset economy. It is therefore incumbent on both parties, Association and PLC, to negotiate with seriousness and good faith in order that a unified approach can be made to the Council. This would ensure that the 'railway family' could continue to preserve the future of the West Somerset Railway in its current form for the future - that has been the charity's only objective throughout and one which I believe both parties who care so much about the Railway should be able to accomplish. Our specialist legal advice confirmed that there were no insurmountable obstacles to the transfer of the railway orders, no reason for the Railway to be closed during the transfer process and no necessity for staff to be made redundant as a result of the freehold transfer. A model whereby the charity owned and safeguarded the freehold and the PLC retained the commercial and operational functions remains a sound proposition, and it is up to both parties to ensure they can work sensibly and harmoniously together, respecting each others' positions, so that the Railway can control its own destiny. We wish to begin negotiating with the PLC as soon as possible to begin resolving issues which are seen as barriers to positive progress, so that we can grasp the opportunity that still remains, namely to retain the Railway in its current form for posterity, and return to Somerset County Council with a united and compelling offer.We believe that the best interests of the heritage railway will be served by a further unified bid to be submitted without delay which satisfies the requirements of both parties as well as ensuring the long term future of the Railway.We will work with PLC in submitting a joint bid which will vest the freehold in the charity, which in turn will then be in a position to provide the extension of lease that PLC has been seeking without success for four years. We hope all involved will work positively to ensure the best possible outcome for the West Somerset Railway." See WSRA website.

20 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Association
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Freehold of the WSR: a statement by West Somerset Railway Plc
WSR John Irven, Chairman of West Somerset Railway Plc has issued a statement in response to the Somerset County Council's public announcement of 20 May 2014: "The West Somerset Railway PLC has been informed by officers that SCC have decided to shelve plans to sell the freehold of our railway. Although surprised at this change of direction in the context of all the time, expertise and costs expended by all parties, we welcome the confirmation of the priority, as expressed by John Osman, to safeguard the future of our much loved railway. We anticipate receiving clarification of the reasons behind this decision and working through any resulting impacts for the railway and SCC. We also look forward to continuing our professional discussions with officers over the terms of an extended lease as was originally offered to us some two years ago before the decision to sell was put in train." See WSR Plc website.

20 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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Freehold of the WSR: a statement by Somerset County Council
WSR In a press release dated 20 May 2014, the Council say: "Somerset County Council can announce today that it has shelved plans to sell the freehold of the West Somerset Railway. It follows a formal process which saw two proposals submitted to buy the council-owned freehold of one of the county's most popular tourist attractions. The proposals came from local groups, the West Somerset Railway Association and the West Somerset Railway PLC. Since they were submitted a week ago, they have been assessed by council officers who have now concluded that neither proposal fully met all the criteria required. A decision will be published to confirm that based on this evaluation neither proposal will be taken forward. 'Our priority throughout this proposal has been to safeguard the future of a much-loved railway,' said Council Leader John Osman. 'In the end it all comes down to the simple fact that neither proposal fully met our criteria. There were very good reasons to take this sale forward but if the proposals do not match up with our criteria then we can't proceed.' In previous statement from Somerset County Council issued in February, Cllr David Hall, Cabinet member for Business, Inward Investment and Policy, emphasised that whatever decision was made it would be in the best interest of visitors and tourists to the county. He said: 'The West Somerset Railway is extremely important to Somerset, attracting thousands of visitors to the area and contributing greatly to the local economy. It's important that the railway continues to operate as normal...and we're committed to making sure that happens.' See press release.

20 May 2014
Details from local correspondents
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Over 400 visitors from London enjoy a day at the seaside...
WSR An excursion from London Waterloo, formed of two South West Trains Class 159 units, arrived at Bishops Lydeard Station mid morning on 17 May 2014. Over 400 passengers left the main line train and joined a special steam service headed by GWR 4-6-0 no 7828 Odney Manor which ran non-stop to Minehead where the visitors enjoyed the afternoon at the seaside in glorious May sunshine. Gauging issues prevented the Class 159s running, as originally booked, right through to Minehead hence the termination at Bishops Lydeard. To ensure the destination was reached, the WSR laid on the special steam service which ran non-stop in each direction.

18 May 2014
Details from local correspondents
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A successful first ever Ladies Day at Minehead Station...
WSR The Railway held its first ever Ladies Day at Minehead Station on 10 May 2014. Lynda Fleet and Judy Hall from the Minehead Station Shop organised and co-ordinated the event. Attractions on offer while the trains came and went included a fashion display, afternoon tea, reflexology and manicures. In a Somerset County Gazette report, Lynda Fleet says "It was a good day and we're really pleased with how it went." For the full report please click here.

16 May 2014
Details from Somerset County Gazette
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No 4936 Kinlet Hall returns to West Somerset for the summer
WSR GWR 4-6-0 no 4936 Kinlet Hall travelled from the West Midlands to Minehead on 15 May 2014 to start its summer holiday on the West Somerset Railway. It will of course be a working holiday hauling heavy trains along the former Great Western Railway Minehead Branch. No 4936 is no stranger to the line having visited several times in the last few years. The loco joins classmate Raveningham Hall (no 6960) to lead the steam fleet into the summer season.

16 May 2014
Details from local correspondents
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A countryside walk from Washford to Williton
WSR The summer edition of the magazine Exmoor features a walk from Washford Station to Williton Station. A map is provided and the route is described in good detail by Sue Viccars as the walk passes Cleeve Abbey, Torre Cider Farm, the hamlets of Bardon and Stream, the Bakelite Museum and Teddy Bear Crossing. Of course, the West Somerset Railway provides the means of getting to Washford and getting home, or simply a super way to complete the circle. For more details about the magazine, please visit

15 May 2014
Details from Exmoor magazine
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The West Somerset Railway at Fawley Hill
WSR Keith Smith writes: "Following the very successful outing to the Basingstoke Festival of Transport, the Home Counties Group are on the road again. This coming weekend will see the West Somerset Railway at Sir William McAlpine's home at Fawley Hill near Henley. This is the second of his big charity events and takes place Friday (pm), Saturday, and Sunday. To get a taster of what is on offer, visit the show web-site on, and of course, come and say 'Hello'."

13 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Association
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A visit from Visit England...
WSR The West Somerset Railway was visited by an Inspector from Visit England on 11 May 2014 and as a result will be nominated for a Customer Service Award. Amongst the comment were "The staff was excellent - we received beyond the normal customer service" and "The Railway meets the standard at a very high level" The Railway wishes to give thanks to everyone concerned on the continued high standards set by the West Somerset Railway.

13 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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Further information about the Mixed Traction Weekend...

On Friday 6 June the Class 115/117 diesel multiple unit will run three shuttle trips from Bishops Lydeard to Norton Fitzwarren and back leaving Bishops Lydeard at 1.25pm, 2.25pm and 3.20pm. The WSR Rover Tickets are valid for use on these and also for the Sunday shuttles which will offer a first chance for WSR haulage behind Class 09 no 09019. Please note that Rover Tickets are valid on all WSR trains between Bishops Lydeard and Norton Fitzwarren but not on the First Great Western trains on Saturday 7 June. More about the Mixed Traction Weekend here. Meanwhile at Washford Station and Museum the Somerset and Dorset Railway Trust will have their Peckett 0-4-0ST in steam on all three days in the yard. Kilmersdon was the last steam engine to work in industry in Somerset and until the colliery closed in 1972 conveyed wagons from the pithead for onward movement behind Western Region hydraulics. Weather permitting the 1886 built SDJR first class coach no 4 will also be on display and anyone looking to have a go at manual signalling and interlocking can do so in the recreation of Midford signal box on the platform.

13 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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The 2014 Steam Fayre and Vintage Vehicle Rally...
WSR Preparations are well underway for this year's Steam Fayre and Vintage Vehicle Rally. This event - now in its 27th year - will be held at the West Somerset Railway Association's field near Norton Fitzwarren, just outside Taunton on the weekend of 2 & 3 August 2014. Expect gleaming engines, powerful steam engines, tractors and road rollers, elegant vintage cars and motorcycles, superb fire engines, buses, commercial and military vehicles, and more. Visit the Steam Fayre and Vintage Vehicle Rally website for full details and to buy tickets online. Tickets purchased online are valid for both days of the event and each transaction also receives a voucher which can be exchanged for a free Rally programme a the gate.

13 May 2014
Details from The Steam Fayre and Vintage Vehicle Rally
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I like this cheese and I like that cheese...
WSR Folks might have noticed a familiar face lately during the commercial break on television. Well known West Somerset Railway Driver Alan Dorrington (or someone very much like Alan!) features in an advert for the grocery chain Aldi. We look forward to a sequel "I like this engine...and I like that engine..." See the Aldi advert here or here...

13 May 2014
Details from local correspondents
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A busy Late May Bank Holiday weekend at Dunster...
WSR With the next Bank Holiday coming up quickly there are a number of things happening around Dunster. On Saturday 24 May the WSR will be operating the full day out package offered by the Dunster Castle Express for which tickets can be bought in advance via or 01643 704996 or at Bishops Lydeard booking office on the day of travel. Sunday 25 May is the annual Charity Fun Day at Dunster Beach Holidays, about ten minutes walk from Dunster Station. It takes place between 1pm and 5pm and entertainment usually includes bouncy castle, children's events such as sack races, face painting and more. Certainly one to keep the younger members of the family busy. And at Dunster Castle between 23 and 26 May the Bowmen of Danesfield will be in action. Best way to get to Dunster is by train, of course!

13 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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Formula One (Somerset style) comes to Watchet soon...
WSR Well, not exactly. However from 11.45am onwards on Sunday 25 May the famous annual Watchet Wheelbarrow Race takes place with teams of two hurtling around a course marked out by - no surprise - the local licensed premises. There are 28 teams competing, fancy dress abounds and some of the barrows are 'customised'. The pit area is on the Esplanade - only a couple of minutes walk from Watchet Railway Station and with the town centre likely to be very busy the WSR is probably the best way in and out of the old harbour town.

11 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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The West Somerset Railway at Basingstoke
WSR Keith Smith writes: "This coming Sunday (11th May) sees the welcome return of the annual Basingstoke Festival of Transport. Held in the War Memorial Park in Basingstoke, entry is free, and on show will be a large collection of commercial vehicles, buses, and cars, as well as many trade stands. As usual, the WSR Association Home Counties Group will be there in force to raise funds, and publicise the WSR by giving out timetables and other leaflets. Please come and visit us."

8 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Association
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Locomotive rosters for the Mixed Traction Weekend
WSR The West Somerset Railway have released details of the locomotive rosters for the Mixed Traction Weekend on 6, 7 and 8 June 2014. Find out which trains will be worked by which locomotive, diesel or steam, during the event by clicking here. Locomotives due to run include nos D821, D832, D1015, D1010, D7017, D9526 and the sole steamer 4160. The DMU will shuttle between Dunster and Minehead on 8 June (only), whilst the First Great Western shuttles will operate between Taunton and Bishops Lydeard on Saturday 7 June only. Full event details here...

8 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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Mixed fortunes over Easter and in April...
WSR The Railway report "It was an unusual Easter this year being just about as late as it can be and the children going back to school straight after Easter Monday. We began with an excellent set of results on Good Friday and Easter Saturday but then came a cold and wet Easter Sunday. Easter Monday was sunny all day but the trains were quiet. The Wallace and Gromit meet and Greet Day brought some welcome extra business and as the month went on we began to see the usual rise in pre-booked group and coach travel. Overall we carried some fifteen and half thousand passengers during the month, taking us to twenty seven thousand during the year to date this far."

8 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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All on the buses...for one day only
WSR To coincide with the Taunton Vintage Bus Display & Running Day this Sunday 11 May the WSR Association's Station Shop at Bishops Lydeard is holding a promotion on die-cast model buses. Normally priced at £12 each, for this day only the wide selection of stock will be available at £10 instead. Buses will be calling at the Bishops Lydeard Station during the day so why not call in and grab a bargain as a memento of your day whilst stocks last!

7 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Association
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It will soon be Ladies Day at Minehead Station...
WSR The West Somerset Railway is having its first ever Ladies Day on Saturday 10 May 2014. The day will feature consultations, treatments, sales stands, discounted train tickets and more. Entry to the station at Minehead is free and on offer are various treatments for £5 - please call 01643 704996 for details and to book. Afternoon Tea is also available (please book in advance) and much more. So put your glad rags on and join us at Minehead Station on Saturday.

6 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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The 218 bus returns - for just one day
WSR On Sunday 11 May 2014 the old 218 bus service number (formerly the Taunton to Minehead) is being revived for the service between Taunton Castle Green (in the town centre) and Bishops Lydeard as part of the Taunton Running Day for vintage bus enthusiasts. The first departure from Castle Green for Bishops Lydeard will be at 10.30am and the last return from Bishops Lydeard is due to leave there at 5pm. Meanwhile from just around the corner at Taunton Bus Station, the 'Buses of Somerset' will be running the usual hourly service to Bishops Lydeard via service 28 from 8am onwards.

6 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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The next Taunton Group meetings...
WSR The meetings of the West Somerset Railway Association's Taunton Group are held at the Great Western Sports & Athletics Club, Station Approach, Taunton at 7.30pm for 7.45pm. on the first Monday of every month unless stated otherwise. Therefore, please note that the May 2014 meeting is on Monday 19 May with a DVD presentation entitled "The early days of the West Somerset Railway" using early film taken by Graham Harwood and further slides from the John Pearce Collection. Details of the following meeting, due to be held on 2 June 2014 at the same venue at the same time, will be announced in due course. To contact Ian Aldridge, Vice Chairman WSRA and Taunton Group organiser, ring 01823 430194 or email

4 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Association
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Memories wanted of Taunton Loco Shed...
WSR The West Somerset Railway is commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the closure of the engine shed at Taunton to steam locomotives in October 1964 over the four days October 2nd to 5th 2014. As part of the anniversary the Railway would like to hear of any memories of the shed. These can be former railwaymen, train spotters who tried to gain access in pursuit of engine numbers, or neighbours whose washing 'benefitted' from the proximity of the smoke from the engines. The Railway may use some in the lead-up to the Gala and if enough are received a booklet of the stories will be produced. Memories should be emailed to John Simms via or sent by post to John Simms, Commercial Department, West Somerset Railway, The Railway Station, Minehead, TA24 5BG.

2 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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Kinlet Hall to spend summer in West Somerset
WSR The oldest working member of the Great Western Railway's Hall class locomotives, no 4936 Kinlet Hall is due to arrive on the West Somerset Railway on 15 May 2014 and will be staying on the line for the summer season. At the end of the hire period it will feature in the WSR's Autumn Steam Gala, with its theme based around the 50th Anniversary of the closure of Taunton locomotive shed to be held between 2 and 5 October 2014. It will work alongside 'Modified Hall' no 6960 Raveningham Hall which emerged from Swindon in 1944. Built at Swindon in 1929, Kinlet Hall was withdrawn from service at the start of 1964 and spent time in the Barry scrapyard in South Wales. It left the yard in 1981 and returned to active life in 2000 since when it has been a popular performer on both main line excursion trains and heritage railways. It last appeared on the West Somerset in 2012.

1 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Plc
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The Bishops Lydeard Station Shop and Cafe.
WSR 2013 was a year of consolidation for the shop and cafe at Bishops Lydeard Station. With the railway putting on more events for a younger audience the opportunity was taken to expand the range of gift-type items available, while extra space was freed up for the ever popular Thomas products. Focus was put on volunteer recruitment last year; this effort was successful and staffing levels increased, helped by a number of very enthusiastic trackers joining the team. During the closed winter period a shop refit took place ensuring that the books and model railway departments are better displayed and themed. The arrival of broadband provides a more efficient and quicker payment system. For the full report by Kate Beard, the WSRA retail manager, please see the West Somerset Railway Association website.

1 May 2014
Details from West Somerset Railway Association
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