Professor Stephen Hawking visits the West Somerset Railway |
Professor Stephen Hawking, the world-renowned physicist and best selling author of 'A Brief History of Time' visited the West Somerset Railway on 27 August 2014. As reported in a Somerset County Gazette news item, Professor Hawking was greeted and welcomed at Bishops Lydeard Station by Professor John Irven, chairman of the West Somerset Railway Plc and Alan Nicholson, the Station Master at Bishops Lydeard. He became one of the first passengers to travel in coach no 4884, recently been modified by the WSR's Carriage and Wagon Department to allow wheelchair passengers to travel with good all round views of the Somerset countryside and in the company of their friends and families. Professor Hawking thoroughly enjoyed his time on England's longest heritage railway accompanied by members of his family, and the WSR said they would be delighted to welcome him back again. John Irven said "We welcome many wheelchair passengers to the line each year and are always pleased when these visitors have the proverbial 'grand day out' with us. It was gratifying for all those involved in the long hours of work on no 4884 that one of its first users was a figure of international renown and recognition in such a prestigious academic field."
29 August 2014
Details provided by Somerset County Gazette, WSR Plc & local correspondents
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The West Somerset Railway Association announce a series of meetings... |
The WSRA Trustees have announced three special invitation-only consultation sessions. These are scheduled for Thursday 4 September at 17.30, Monday 8 September at 19.00 and Tuesday 9 September at 16.30. Also, an open members question and answer meeting is planned for the morning of 1 November at Bishops Lydeard Village Hall. Further details will follow. Also announced, a short series of supported meetings involving the WSRA and the WSR Plc have been convened and will take place over the next few months.
28 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Association and local correspondents
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The half-naked Minehead Pilot continues its work... |
The body sections of the Minehead Pilot, Class 03 no D2133, have been deteriorating for some time in the vicinity of the radiator and have been removed to allow weld repairs and repainting. Due to the way in which the various components are attached it has been necessary to take off rather more than is strictly needed, including the chimney. Because D2133 is in use almost every day this work has resulted in its present rather strange appearance. All is due to be refitted next week.
28 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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The next meetings of the Taunton Group... |
The West Somerset Railway Association's Taunton Group meetings are held on the first Monday of every month between September and May unless stated otherwise. Meetings are held at the Great Western Sports & Athletics Club, Station Approach, Taunton at 7.30pm for 7.45pm. On 1 September, Tony Whitby gives a slide presentation from his collection; on 6 October, David Oldham presents video of this year's mainline steam; on 3 November, Arthur Turner gives a slide presentation from his collection; and on 1 December, Peter Triggs hosts a slide presentation 'Railways of Central England'. To contact Ian Aldridge, Vice Chairman WSRA & Taunton Group Organiser ring 01823 430194 or email
22 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Association
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The resumed West Somerset Railway Association Annual General Meeting |
The West Somerset Railway Association's resumed Annual General Meeting took place at 7pm on Sunday 17 August 2014 in order to conclude business left over from the previous, adjourned meeting on 19 July. The Chairman opened the meeting explaining only those remaining items could be discussed. There was an immediate call from the floor requesting the trustees to resign; this call was ignored. The first agenda item was to receive the accounts; the Chairman asked the auditor to present the accounts and report. Questions from the floor followed, including a well presented request to see the accounts of Promotions; the Secretary responded that the auditor's advice was that detailed information could not be released, and the auditor chipped in with a few remarks about a competitive environment but also suggested detailed information could be released if the Trustees were so minded and that there could be a benefit in sharing that information with interested members and reminded members that the Secretary had already indicated that will happen at the members question time [at a future date it seems]. Other questions ranged from funds for the freehold bid to ownership of the track at Norton to queries about failed bids for grants to why only £7,000 had been invested in WSR's heritage. A vote followed and the resolution was carried. The reappointment of auditors was then approved. The Chairman attempted to move on to the next item, the increase in membership fees, but a member, who had previously made a written request for an amendment to the published resolution, stood and asked for an adjournment under Article 9.5 but was repeatedly told to sit down by several Trustees and the Secretary. There followed confusion, with the Trustees explaining the amendment is not allowed at this point, whilst the member continued to explain her proposal amidst much shouting from the floor. After a short time, the member invited other members to stand, turn their backs on the Trustees and then to leave the meeting. They did so. The vote was taken and the original resolution approved. The Chairman then closed the meeting. The Secretary later presented a report on Promotions. The Association's account of the proceedings is available on the WSRA website. Other reports, including those made by the dissenters, are available on several social media outlets. The above report, gleaned from an audio recording of the event kindly made available by a WSRA member, is not intended to be a full account of the event.
21 August 2014
Details provided by ourselves
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Owning group issue a strategy for Western Campaigner |
The Williton-based Diesel and Electric Preservation Group have announced their strategy for Western no D1010 Western Campaigner. The DEPG say "At the 2014 June Mixed Traffic event we talked about it being the last opportunity to ride behind the locomotive for 2014 and we can now explain the reasons behind this.
Currently part of the locomotives bodywork is in need of welding and repairs as many of you will have noticed. The locomotives body has had a hard life to put it mildly. It had suffered three collisions in BR traffic requiring repairs (two of them serious), the loco before being preserved by the DEPG was also put outside Merehead Quarry for sometime being exposed to years of acidic stone dust.
The intended strategy for the loco is that it will now be stopped for 2014 and we will get these important repairs carried out. The locomotive has 'stretched' skin- a special method of construction which was used to save on costs of materials, keep the overall locos weight down and allow for some of the attractive shapes in the design. This does mean it's not a five minute job to carry out the repairs!
During the mixed traffic event the locomotive unfortunately suffered a seized turbo charger which will need to be repaired before it can run again and has been sent away to a specialist team that can undertake this work.
We hope you understand the reasons for taking this important decision to stop the locomotive for the rest of the 2014 season.
Its hoped the locomotive will be ready in time to run in the June 2015 Mixed Traffic Weekend and otherwise is now in very good condition.
In other news its hoped D7018 will be outshopped over the winter with a crane booked for late October to lift in the locomotives engine and cooler group."
18 August 2014
Details provided by Diesel and Electric Preservation Group
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Changing places and new faces at the Minehead office |
Amy Parker takes on the personnel role, previously undertaken by Sam Minter, including the keeping of the database up to date and issuing new staff identity cards. Meanwhile a big welcome Esta Toogood to the Commercial Department; Esta will be handling online ticket sales and group booking arrangements. Following interviews during July the Railway Company are pleased to announce that Chris Hocking-Brown will be taking
over the role of Head of Commercial Services during the autumn. Initially Chris will work part time alongside Colin Howard before assuming full responsibility at the end of the year.
16 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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Go by train to make the most of two local events on Friday 15 August |
There are two main events in the area on Friday 15 August that can be combined with a journey on the West Somerset Railway. As usual the Railway will be running bus links between Dunster Station and Dunster Steep for the Dunster Show on 15 August. The Steep is on the edge of the medieval village and handy to start an exploration and it's also only a short walk from there to the Show Ground. Travel on the bus is free to WSR passengers and as the Show does generate a lot of extra traffic on the local roads it's a good way to avoid the congestion. Buses will leave the Steep at 10am, 11am, 12.10pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4.10pm and 5.05pm and they will leave the Station at 10.30am, 11.40am, 12.40pm, 2.40pm, 3.50pm and 4.40pm. Meanwhile Watchet Council is holding its annual Family Fun Day with entertainment for children of all ages between 10am and 5pm. The railway station is right in the middle of the old harbour town and the last trains in each direction leave after just after 5 o'clock.
14 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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Book signing at Minehead Station Shop at end of August |
During the West Somerset Railway's Late Summer Weekend on 30 and 31 August a book signing will be held at the Buffer Stop Shop at Minehead Railway Station. Richard Furness will be there with copies of Volume 7 in his series about historic railway advertising posters 'The Glorious South West'. The 250 page full colour volume covers the area from Bristol to Cornwall embracing the counties of Somerset, Wiltshire, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall. It then goes off shore to the Scilly Isles and the Channel Islands. In total there are 400 posters reproduced ranging form Victorian times to the present day. The book retails at £39.00 and is a splendid tribute both to the changing eras on the Railway network and the changing styles of poster designs. The Buffer Stop Shop also stocks a wide range of books both about transport and of local interest, dvds, toys and models whilst the Turntable Cafe at the station is an ideal place for a drink and something to eat whilst watching the comings and goings at the station. The Late Summer Weekend offers an hourly train service from each end of the 20 mile long WSR between Bishops Lydeard and Minehead with departures from 9.45am. The trains are headed by a mixture of steam and vintage diesel locomotives.
13 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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The WSR Association welcomes the formation of the stakeholders group |
The Association is pleased that the idea discussed between the charity, the Plc and the County Council at County Hall in late May 2014 of a Stakeholder Group has now been formally announced. The statement by WSRA Chairman David Williams continues "The charity welcomes the invitation to become involved in this process and would like the opportunity to discuss the possible format that this group might take and who will be involved. The Association is very keen to improve the extremely important heritage aspects of the Railway including discussions on how the Norton site might gradually be developed into a heritage style terminus for the benefit of the whole Railway, the local community and the wider public transport network of West Somerset; we hope that this will provide a forum for serious discussion of this project. We hope that further private discussions with the Plc can begin at an early stage."
12 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Association
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Signwriter Harry is in great demand |
Many visitors to the Railway and to the Steam Fayre will have guided by the many signs made by volunteer Harry Kirkland. Harry also produces the popular destination carriage boards carried by trains during the Railway's themed special events. And of course Harry is well known for his striking weathervanes featuring locomotives with over 280 weathervanes produced and gracing buildings not only in this country but in Sweden, France, USA, Canada and South Africa too. A recent commission found Harry making a bespoke archway for the "Bath & West Railway" feature at the Bath & West Show in May this year. For more information contact Harry by email.
12 August 2014
Details provided by Harry Kirkland
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No 4884 - the West Somerset Railway's second wheelchair-accessible coach |
As reported below, the refurbished and converted TSO no 4884 is now complete and should enter service on 12 August 2014. With a very smart interior, this coach has been converted for use by passengers needing to remain seated in their wheelchair who will now be able to travel in a roomy, comfortable, well-lit environment alongside friends and family, just like everyone else. Congratulations to everyone involved in this project - the facility will be much appreciated by the Railway's wheelchair-using passengers.
11 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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No 4936 to stay on the Minehead Branch in 2015 |
Writing in the August Online staff magazine, the WSR's Chief Mechanical Engineer, Andy Forster reports "GWR 4-6-0 no 4936 Kinlet Hall is now expected to remain on the West Somerset Railway over the winter and for the 2015 season - another named locomotive for passengers to enjoy when visiting the WSR. Meanwhile, good progress is being made on the general overhaul of WSR 2-6-0 no 9351 is good. Both cylinders have been re-bored and await the fitting of new cylinder liners; the pony truck wheelset has returned with its new
tyres fitted and the driving wheelsets are well progressed and work on the boiler at LNWR Crewe continues and is up to schedule with no additional problems uncovered so far. The bulk of the small components have been refurbished and returned to stores as has most of the sheet metalwork for the cladding. The major outstanding work is associated with the axleboxes for which new crowns are required, the castings for these are on order. On the coaching stock side, TSO no 4884 in nearing completion and should be in service for Minehead's Red Arrows Day on 13 August. With a very smart interior, this coach has been converted for use by wheelchair bound passengers."
9 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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An update from the Chairman of WSR Plc... |
John Irven, the Chairman of West Somerset Railway Plc has issued an update on the "future of the West Somerset Railway" which begins with these words "I would like to share some of the recent communications we have received from Somerset County Council on a number of matters related to the freehold, leasehold and improving stakeholder involvement across the West Somerset Railway. SCC felt these were needed after some mixed messages that have been circulating over these matters, and having acknowledged that they could help clarify a complex situation, which may have been misunderstood or misrepresented to some extent. They have communicated similarly with the WSRA." The full text of the statement is available on the official WSR website.
8 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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Lots to do in West Somerset between 10 and 17 August |
The week between 10 and 17 August is going to be something of a peak for activities in the towns and communities along the route of the West Somerset Railway. Watchet is holding its Summertime festival week with activities on every day. None of the events or venues is more than a ten minute stroll from Watchet Station. The last train back from Watchet towards Bishops Lydeard is at 5.46pm and towards Minehead at 5.13pm. At the end of the branch line, this year's Minehead Summer Festival is scheduled to be a five day event starting on Wednesday 13 August and running through to 17 August. The annual flying displays are scheduled for Wednesday 13 August starting with Sea King helicopters at 1.30pm, followed by the iconic sight and sound of Spitfires at 2pm. Not much can follow the masterpiece of R.J. Mitchell but the Red Arrows are the ideal headliners and start at 2.30pm. Finally there is the Red Devils parachute team scheduled for 3.10pm. Because of the displays there will some changes to the timetable on 13 August affecting afternoon trains - see here or here. Just along the line, Dunster Show takes place on15 August and the Railway will operate a free coach service for WSR ticket holders between Dunster Station and Dunster Steep which is a short walk from the showground or the village.
7 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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Don't fancy cooking lunch on Bank Holiday Saturday? |
There are still seats available on the lunchtime Fish and Chip Special on 23 August 2014. Travel to Minehead on the 12.35pm steam train from Bishops Lydeard with Fish and Chips served after the train leaves. Arriving at Minehead at 1.55pm there is a choice of return steam trains at 2.25pm, 3.15pm or 4.20pm or the diesel train at 5.10pm. The steam trains also have a licensed buffet bar. Advanced booking is necessary and can be done via 01643 704996 or
7 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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The 2014 WSRA Annual General Meetings - an AGM of two halves |
Members of the West Somerset Railway Association who were unable to attend the recent Annual General Meeting may be puzzled about the news of the reconvened AGM on 17 August 2014. So here is a brief unofficial summary of the events of the 19 July meeting which might help explain. The West Somerset Railway Association's Annual General Meeting was held at Bishops Lydeard Village Hall on 19 July 2014. The meeting was beset with problems from the outset. Registration took far longer than for previous AGMs due to a good turnout of over 200 members but largely due to issuing the correct numbers of voting cards for those members holding proxy votes. Once underway it progressed in a disjointed manner. There were many interruptions from the floor from members clearly unhappy with the performance of the Trustees and wishing to make their point. Agenda items were not followed in sequence with the Chairman twice reminded by the floor to return to skipped agenda items. Following a debate about accuracy and completeness, the 2013 AGM Minutes were first accepted but then rejected after the validity of proxy votes was questioned and then not allowed. After the Chairman's Report, which was delivered to a quiet audience, one member then spoke for fifteen minutes ending with a proposal to reject the Chairman's Report as a vote of no confidence in the Trustees; nonetheless the Report was accepted, this time with proxy votes being allowed. With four Trustee vacancies and eleven candidates, it had been clear for some time that the election procedure was likely to be a complicated, time-consuming affair, and so it was. Part-way through the process, five of the new candidates agreed amongst themselves to withdraw from the election; they then encouraged the attendees to vote for one named new candidate. This action shortened but also disrupted the election process, with confusion over the validity of proxy forms made out in favour of the now-withdrawn candidates. Eventually the election was completed. Thereafter, one member announced he was leaving the meeting in disgust apparently at his treatment at the hands of the Trustees, and then encouraged others to follow, which led to most members leaving the hall. After a brief pause, and despite three items remaining on the agenda, the Chairman announced the disrupted meeting closed some four hours after it had started. This brief unofficial summary is based on several written reports from members either in the public domain or sent privately, and checked against an audio recording of the event made by a member with permission during the AGM (a copy was kindly provided to us by the member); it does not claim to be a full account of the event, nor does it attempt to discuss the differences of opinion evident throughout the meeting or detail some of the contested issues. No report - written or verbal - has been received from the WSRA itself. So, what next? On 6 August, the Association announced the "resumed AGM" will take place on 17 August 2014 at 7pm at Bishops Lydeard Village Hall [see news item below] to complete those agenda items not completed at the previous meeting, as per article 9.5.
6 August 2014
Details compiled from accounts provided by several WSRA members
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West Somerset Steam Railway Trust Newsletter no 2 is now available... |
The latest newsletter from the West Somerset Steam Railway Trust is now available. In this issue, the second of the newsletters providing updates on the work of the Trust who say "We are grateful for feedback on the first edition, and hope that you find something of interest in this one. The main article in this issue continues with the theme of the First World War. There is also an update on the Museum at Blue Anchor Station, and a report on the AGM. As before, any feedback would be welcome." A link to the newsletter in PDF format can be found on the News Page of the Trust's website at
6 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Steam Railway Trust
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The resumed WSRA Annual General Meeting... |
The resumed Annual General Meeting of the West Somerset Railway Association will take place at 7pm on Sunday 17 August 2014 at Bishops Lydeard Village Hall. David Williams, Chairman of the WSRA, comments "This will deal strictly with the remaining business on the agenda, this being (6) receiving the Financial Report & Annual Accounts for 2013, (7) to re-appoint Albert Goodman as auditors and to authorize the Board to agree their remuneration, (8) ordinary resolution: to increase WSRA membership subscription rates as previously advised, (9) close of meeting. All members will receive notification in the same manner as for the original date and this is now being posted. The members' discussion will be rescheduled to a later date."
6 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Association
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It was fifty years ago when the Beatles travelled this way... |
The Friends of Crowcombe Heathfield Station on the West Somerset Railway are staging a 1960s night on 20 September 2014 at West Bagborough village hall with live music being provided by the Tiverton based band "Barracuda". The evening gets underway between 7.30pm and 8pm and will run through until 11pm. A buffet with tea or coffee is included in the £8 admission price. Add to the atmosphere and dress in appropriate "gear" but fine to come as you choose. Tickets will be available from Beryl Ayres (01984 618437), Carol Oldfield (07739 317535) or Crowcombe Heathfield Station (01984 618493). Crowcombe Heathfield Station has a strong connection with the music of the Swinging 60s as the Beatles first feature film "A Hard Day's Night" was filmed on what was then the Minehead branch of British Railways and a sequence in which Ringo Starr rides a bicycle along a station platform was actually filmed at the station. More about the Friends of Crowcombe Heathfield Station.
6 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc and Friends of Crowcombe Heathfield Station.
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Records shattered at the 2014 Steam Fayre and Vintage Vehicle Rally... |
The Steam Fayre and Vintage Vehicle Rally at Norton Fitzwarren has been described as a huge success by organisers. The event took place 2 and 3 August. Speaking to the Somerset County Gazette, the Chairman of the Rally Committee, Ian Jonas, said record breaking numbers of people attended on the Sunday. The hard work of the organisers, all the volunteers on and off site, and all parts of the West Somerset Railway came together so well and made for a super event for the hundreds and hundreds who came along for a good day out. Next year's event, again organised by the West Somerset Railway Association will be held on 1 and 2 August 2015. The Rally website will be updated as details for 2015 are finalised.
6 August 2014
Details provided by Somerset County Gazette and local correspondent
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Moving forward with the Hurst Nelson Wagon Project... |
The Hurst Nelson Wagon Project is moving forward with the brand new buffer beam trial fitted. All the holes have been drilled for the rivets. Also the larger holes for the hook and the buffers have been plasma cut. The next job now is to hot rivet the buffer beam In place. For more information on the project please like the project's Facebook group hurstnelsonproject
6 August 2014
Details provided by Hurst Nelson Wagon Project
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A visit to the West Somerset Railway in July 2014... |
A visitor to the West Somerset Railway has written some thoughts about the visit in July 2014.
"This was my first visit to the West Somerset Railway, although I had read and heard a lot about it. I spent two days travelling on the line and several others observing it at different points along the track. The immediate impression is of a well run and efficient, but above all welcoming and friendly line. This is something that not all heritage lines manage to be. Things that particularly struck me included:
· The length of the line makes one feel that you are really on a journey rather than a short ride behind a steam engine. It is definitely a line of two halves, coast and country.
· The bygone feel of the country stations. My particular favourites were Dunster and Blue Anchor. Dunster has the feel of somewhere in Gloucestershire or Wiltshire where you would pull up in a small car park, buy your ticket in a tiny booking hall and go through onto the platform where all would be quiet until the train could be heard somewhere down the line. Blue Anchor, on the other hand, brought back memories of the Cambrian Coast line in the 1960s with its long periods of quiet broken by a sudden burst of activity when two trains cross.
· The happy crowds of passengers at Watchet, waiting to catch the train back to Minehead.
· The smartly turned out engines and coaches - a tribute to the hard work of all concerned.
· The professionalism and friendliness of all the workers I came across, whether staff or volunteers. From the driver of the DMU to the booking clerk at Dunster and the girl behind the counter at the Turntable Cafe, all helped to make our visit enjoyable.
· Good value for money. At £15.40 for a senior day rover ticket I think the company has pitched its fares at the right level. Having worked as an accountant for many years I know the importance of balancing income and expenditure without pricing oneself out of the market."
Now we know many WSR folks read these pages. The above account must make you really proud to part of the West Somerset Railway!
5 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Plc
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The Great War remembered... |
The West Somerset Railway Association Shop at Bishops Lydeard Station has a number of titles now on sale marking the 100th Anniversary of the First World War. Kate Beard, WSRA Retail Manager, adds "These can be found within our Military and Aviation book sections or displayed by the counter.In addition, for the OO railway modeller we have Bachmann's Robinson O4 no 63598 on special offer. This locomotive design was used during both the First and Second World War for heavy goods traffic, and has variously been described as the locomotive that won the wars." For the full list of titles, please visit the Association website.
4 August 2014
Details provided by West Somerset Railway Association
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