Date and venue of next Association Annual General Meeting

The date and venue of the next West Somerset Railway Association Annual General Meeting has been announced:
The 26th WSRA AGM will take place on 4th September at 10:00am in the Crowcombe Village Hall. There will also be a remote attendance option, details to be announced closer to the time. For those who attend in person, we are hoping to arrange a visit to Williton to view 4561 and the progress of the restoration work. Details will be announced nearer the time and are dependent on COVID restrictions in place at the time.
Meanwhile, the Association needs more Trustees:
The WSRA needs more trustees. People with a passion and a vision for the WSR, aligned with an understanding of the duties of a charity trustee to safeguard the charity and its assets and to deliver on its objects for the benefit of the community. It's not always an easy position and sometimes difficult decisions need to be made, so an objective outlook is essential. You will need to be able to work with a diverse range of people, not all of whom you will agree with all of the time. You will need to be able to focus on shared aims and objectives and work your way through differing opinions about how to achieve them!
To be eligible for election as a Trustee you must be over 16 years old and have been a WSRA member for at least a year. Being a Trustee can be a very rewarding role, especially when a project plan comes together, the funding is realised and the railway benefits. There are still huge heritage projects on the railway that need WSRA support and input and for that we need a full compliment of Trustees. Please consider whether you have the time and skills to help make a difference.
Nominations for Trustee will open on 6th July and the nomination form is available for download from the members' section of the WSRA website, or by direct request to
30 June 2021
Details kindly provided by West Somerset Railway Association