Latest pictures   Submitting images: technical requirements; emailing; copyright issues; re-use policy  
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This page updated 5 February 2014.

Latest changes: Added new section "Re-use of text".

Technical requirements
  • The preferred format is JPEG (uncompressed or compressed). We can accept other formats but may request a resupply.
  • Generally, we recommend you email un-edited images in JPEG format.
  • Images up to 10Mb can be accepted by email although we do find images in the range of 100Kb to 3Mb are perfectly suitable.
  • Images should be at least 768 pixels on the longest side. Pixel width and height are the important measures - dpi or ppi have no context for webpage publishing.
  • Generally, the larger the submitted image, the better chance of a good result when published.
  • A limit of 10Mb per email, please, including message and attachments.
Email images to:

An email (message and attachments) should be less than 10Mb in total.

It is extremely helpful if images are sent as simple attachments (not zipped, not stored as a slideshow, not provided as links to images on external websites such as flickr)

We cannot process images sent as a slideshow via Hotmail.

We ask contributors to pre-select their best shots and then submit up to six of their best pictures.

Please send no more than six images in a single day.

Images can also be posted to the page on facebook - please make it clear the image can be published here.

To help us write the captions, please also provide:

  • The date of the image within the email message or within the image filename
  • Any other relevant information, for example, subject and location

Please see the Re-use Policy below.

Copyright issues

Images published on always remain the copyright of the image owner (usually the photographer or the artist)

The Creative Commons Non-Commercial Re-use licence will apply for each image (except thumbnail images) published on this website with the following wording

This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence
© [name of copyright owner]

A reminder that the copyright of an image always remains with the owner of the image.

Re-use of images

By submitting images to the above email addresses, you agree to unlimited use of the images on this website and its facebook and twitter pages, and unlimited use of the images on the websites and facebook and twitter pages of:

along with use in any uneditable document produced for informational or promotional purposes by the above organisations including provision of images to accompany press releases. The above organisations are requested to ensure each published re-used image is accompanied by acknowledgement to the copyright owner and a link to the Creative Commons licence.

Requests for permission to use published images for commercial* publication will always be referred back to the copyright owner, unless the latter agrees to such usage at the time of each submission and agrees to contact details to be revealed to the publishers. The email address of the requestee will be forwarded to the copyright owner unless the requestee expressly asks for anonymity. It would save time if, at time of submission, contributors could indicate agreement for such usage and also allow contact details to be passed to publishers to ensure proper acknowledgements and any payment arrangements. [* "commercial" in this context refers to any published items that are sold or given away (the above organisations excepted).]

The terms are applied retrospectively to images already submitted. We are sure contributors will be happy with the changes. If not, please contact us.

Original images, as emailed to us, are not retained.

Re-use of text

Please contact us if you wish to re-use any text - other than picture captions - found on this website (exceptions to this requirement are same as listed above under "Re-use of images").