News from December 2008...
• New book about the West Somerset Railway

A new WSR book from The Nostalgia Collection will be published in March. Following the success of the first volume published in 2000, West Somerset Railway Past and Present Volume 2 features comparisons of the Minehead Branch as it was and as it has become in latter years. The book has been compiled by the WSR Journal Editor, David Williams, with help of several long-standing WSR supporters. The book will cost £16.99 and will be launched at the second weekend of the 2009 Spring Steam Gala. It is available to order now from the Association Shop at Bishops Lydeard.

31 December 2008 
Details from WSRA

• Photo competition at next Taunton Group meeting

The first meeting of the WSR Association Taunton Group in 2009 will be the Annual Photographic Competition on Monday 5 January. As last year, there will be a major division between prints (maximum size is A4) and 35mm slides for, first, non-railway images; then heritage railway, and finally, modern railway images. There is a 10p fee per entry. Don Bishop, who is a professional photographer and a member of the Association, has kindly agreed to judge the entries. The event will take place in the Snug Bar at the GWRSA building at the north-east corner of Taunton Station.

30 December 2008 
Details from WSRA

• New buffet for Bishops Lydeard?
No 3058 © David Randles

A bigger, better buffet for Bishops Lydeard Station. Perhaps, if all is agreed by the parties involved, Buffet Car no 3058 could be providing an expanded buffet facility at Bishops Lydeard by early March 2009. No 3058 is the oldest of the three buffet cars on public trains and is due to come out of service at the end of 2008. However, WSR Plc have concluded that it is more sensible to concentrate efforts on finishing the conversion of another vehicle as the new third buffet car. So the WSRA has requested that this vehicle temporarily form the new buffet at Bishops Lydeard. The vehicle would be parked on the buffer stops of the Quantock Belle siding adjacent to Bishops Lydeard Signal Box, and will provide more and better seating for customers and the ability to offer a wider range of food, including cooked breakfasts and other meals. More on this story on the website of the WSRA...

29 December 2008 
Details from WSRA

• Diesel running dates in 2009...
D1661 © Stephen Edge

The dates for diesel running have been announced. Diesel motive power will figure at the Mixed Traffic Weekend 12-14 June, at the Somerset in Autumn event on 24-25 October, and on Summer Saturdays (25 July and 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 August) to the following diagram 11.25am from Bishops Lydeard, 2.05pm from Minehead, 4pm from Bishops Lydeard and 5.55pm from Minehead. We are promised loco allocations and full details will be provided nearer the time.

29 December 2008 
Details from DEPG

• Gauge Museum Model Railway worth a visit...
Bishops Lydeard Model Railway © Phill Berry-Roper

The Model Railway in the Gauge Museum at Bishops Lydeard Station will be open during the Winter Steam Festival. With 9110 visitors already in 2008 the total could hit 10000 during the Festival. The Model Railway is usually open at least one day a week when trains are running and every day during special events. During the winter periods the maintenance starts! This year the team are planning to build another branch and also have a larger fiddle yard so more engines can be run on one day. This can only be achieved by donations and the continuing support of the public. So, come along and see the Model Railway during the Winter Steam Festival and chat to the friendly operators...

23 December 2008 
Details from local correspondents

• All set for the Winter Steam Festival...
No 88

Just the ticket for the Christmas Holiday - the Winter Steam Festival on the West Somerset Railway on 28 and 29 December. Six steam locomotives will be at work over the two day event, and seven trains each way each day over the Minehead Branch. Amongst the rostered motive power are two classic express steam locomotives - Great Western Railway 4-6-0 no 6024 King Edward I and Southern Railway 4-6-2 no 34046 Braunton, which will be joined by two heavy goods engines, nos 88 and 3850; the unique WSR Mogul no 9351 and former Welsh Valleys Coal Tank GWR 0-6-2T no 6695 completing a great line up. Full details, including the loco roster and turntable usage can be found on the Winter Steam Festival page. All we need now is a little snow...

22 December 2008 
Details from local correspondents

• Big thank you to WSR staff from the Chairman...

The Chairman has thanked all staff for their efforts in 2008. In a personal message in a hand-signed Christmas card, posted out to colleagues and their families, WSR Plc Chairman Mark Smith praises staff for representing the Railway in a professional manner despite problems brought on during a difficult year for the line. Mark looks forward to working with colleagues in 2009 which he reckons will be "a challenging year". It is good to report that the personal touch, words and signature, has been very well received by members of staff. Nice one, Mr Chairman.

18 December 2008 
Details from local correspondents

• The 2009 Timetable...
2009 timetable leaflet

The 2009 Timetable Leaflet is now available. The leaflet,with GWR 2-6-2T no 5553 featuring on the front cover, is laid out in a similar format to previous years with colour-coded timetables and calendar, along with a map showing the stations and route, plus lots of information about the Railway and the places served. A list of special events is included too. The leaflet reveals a similar timetable for trains and for those interested in an online preview the 2009 train timetables are now available via this link but note the Interactive Timetable is the current year only.

18 December 2008 
Details from local correspondents

• Big Cutting Back Weekends in New Year...
No 35011 ©Malcolm Anderson

The call has gone out to all Cutting Back folks for a significant event. This is threatening to become a major event which may occupy two weekends - 3 and 4 January and 10 and 11 January. The Team Leader, David Holmes, reckons he will need all the help he can muster "[as many] saws and bodies that I can get." The task will be at the WSRA's Norton site and attendees will need clean hi-viz clothing and in-date ID/PTS cards, and for those trained in such machinery, chain saw certification. Volunteers are asked to pencil the dates into calendars and await further information. Contact details for David Holmes can be found on the WSRA website.

18 December 2008 
Details from WSRA

• No 35011 moves on...
No 35011 ©Martin Southwood

The Williton Merchant Navy leaves port. Ex-Southern Railway Merchant Navy Pacific 4-6-2 no 35011 General Steam Navigation which was moved to Williton some time ago was transported away by road on 17 November. The move was arranged by the owners of the locomotive.

18 December 2008 
Details from local correspondents

• Loco rosters during Winter Steam Festival...
No 34046 ©Margaret Woodland

The locomotive rosters during the Winter Steam Festival have been announced. Subject, of course, to availability, the following locomotives will be in service during the two day event on 28 and 29 December - nos 88, 3850, 6024, 6695, 9351 and 34046. On 28 December, the departures from Bishops Lydeard are at 10.40am (88); 11.35am (3850); 12.40pm (6695); 1.15pm (34046); 2.25pm (9351); 3.15pm (6024); 4.10pm (3850), and from Minehead at 10.30am (6695); 11.25am (34046); 12.30pm (88); 1.20pm (6024); 2.15pm (3850); 3.10pm (34046); 4pm (9351). On 29 December, departures from Bishops Lydeard are at 10.40am (9351); 11.35am (34046); 12.40pm (6024); 1.15pm (88); 2.25pm (6695); 3.15pm (3850); 4.10pm (34046), and from Minehead at 10.30am (6024); 11.25am (6695); 12.30pm (3850); 1.20pm (9351); 2.15pm (34046); 3.10pm (6024); 4pm (88). We repeat the caveat about availability and we hope the above information will help folks plan their time at the Winter Steam Festival.

16 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• Thomas returns to West Somerset...
Thomas © Kevin Weston

After a break from touring, the cheeky blue tank engine is to visit Minehead in July 2009. Thomas has been a very popular visitor to the West Somerset Railway for a number of years attracting hundreds of fans to the two day event at Minehead Station. On 4 and 5 July (subject to contract) it is good to learn that the crowds will again be thrilled by the antics of Thomas and his chums. More information will be published as and when it becomes available. Meantime, make a note of the dates - 4 and 5 July.

15 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• Update on seat availability on Santa trains...

The Santa Trains Programme is now half-over on the West Somerset Railway - but there are still some seats left. At the time of this news posting, there are seats left on the Santa Specials from Bishops Lydeard at 3.05pm on 20 December and 10.40am, 1.05pm, 3.05pm on 23 December - these trains run from Bishops Lydeard to Crowcombe Heathfield and back with a visit to see Santa in his grotto at Crowcombe Heathfield Station where the children get a present. There are seasonal refreshments on the trains for the adults and the cost on these trains is £10.00 for each adult and £10.00 for each child (£2 for under 1s). At the other end of the line, the Minehead - Blue Anchor Santa Specials have vacancies on the 10.20am, 12.05pm, 1.55pm and 3.35pm trains on 21 and 24 December. For availability and bookings ring 01643 704996.

15 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• Catering posts...
Kiosk © Martyn Snell

Two vacancies for catering posts on the West Somerset Railway. The first is a full time vacancy for a Catering Manager on one of the West Country's premier tourist attractions. Based in Bishops Lydeard but having responsibility for on-train catering provisions for trains running throughout the majority of the year, the successful applicant will be reporting to the General Manager. The successful applicant would also be responsible for recruiting, training and retention of volunteer staff plus the ordering and administering of all food and drink, and further development of the catering side of the Railway's business. The second post is a Kiosk Team Leader at Minehead Station on the West Somerset Railway, reporting to the Catering Manager. The successful applicant will be responsible for the day to day operations of this new Catering Outlet and for recruiting and training volunteers. Flexible opening hours will apply during a 12 month period. Applications in writing, for either post, should be made to the General Manager of the West Somerset Railway at the Railway Station, Minehead, TA24 5BG enclosing a CV. Catering experience would be desirable but not essential. For further details please telephone 01643 704996 during Office Hours. Closing date for applications, for either post, is January 9th 2009.

12 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• Murder Mystery Special seats unexpectedly available...
Murder Mystery Special

Due to a last minute cancellation there are ten seats available on the West Somerset Railway Murder Mystery Special this Saturday evening 13 December. The Festive Season Murder Mystery Special leaves Bishops Lydeard at 7pm. Enjoy the steam train ride and a Fish and Chip Supper. Whilst you travel, all the evidence will be wrapped up and presented to you, the scene of the crime may be visited and you will then be able to solve the mystery. Staged by the "Murder By Appointment" company of actors, the completely new seasonal plotline will be acted out on the return trip. More details here or on the official WSR website. Given the closeness of the date, it would be best to book your seats by phone - 01643 704996 - as soon as possible.

11 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• Busy times for Heritage Carriages folks...
No 9038 © Chris Osment

Plenty of activity is reported by the Heritage Carriages Group at Williton. First, the organisers of the recent Sponsored Walk are busy collecting the monies raised by the 100+ walkers. Then, working parties are booked for 20 December, 17 January and 31 January at Williton Works with Toplight no 3639 being the priority task. A trip to view the Toplight carriage on the Swindon & Cricklade Railway has been provisionally arranged for 18 January, subject to agreement with the Wiltshire folks. On 31 January, the Project Team will provide an update to a meeting at the Ruishton Inn, starting at 6.30pm. It is not all work and no play, as the Group enjoyed a Christmas dinner on 7 December, proving there is a social side to the Project too! Finally, please note the Williton Works will not be open to visitors during the Winter Steam Festival. More Heritage Carriages information on the West Somerset Steam Railway Trust website.

11 December 2008 
Details from WSSRT

• Turntable passes inspection...
King on the turntable © Malc Stacey

The turntable at Minehead today passed an official inspection. Following the inspection, General Manager Paul Conibeare announced "I am delighted to report that the Certificate of Completion has been signed, and that David Keay and Craig Richman, Office of Rail Regulation, were very complimentary on the high standard of work. This enables us to use the turntable during the Winter Steam Festival 28 and 29 December 2008."

11 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• Just a few seats left on Santa Specials...

All Santa Special and Santa Express trains on 13 and 14 December from Bishops Lydeard are sold out. However there are still seats available on the Santa Special trains between Minehead and Blue Anchor on Sunday 14 December - these depart from Minehead at 10.20am, 12.05pm, 1.55pm and 3.35pm and the cost is £7.50 for each adult and £7.50 for each child (under 1's travel for £2.00). Tickets for the Minehead trains can be purchased by phone with a credit/debit card up until 11.00am on Friday 12 December and then on a "walk up and pay on the day" basis from Minehead Station Booking Office on 14 December. Looking further ahead all Santa Express services are sold out. There is space on Minehead-Blue Anchor Santa Specials on 21 and 24 December and on Bishops Lydeard- Crowcombe Heathfield Santa Specials on 23 December (Bishops Lydeard prices are £10 per adult, £10 per child and £2 for under 1's). For availability and bookings ring 01643 704996.

11 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• Big Four for Spring Steam Gala, perhaps...
Big Four

The working theme for the Spring Steam Gala in 2009 will recall the glory days of British Steam. If all goes to plan, the popular springtime event - "Memories of the Big Four" will see locomotives representing each of the four companies set up after the Grouping of 1923, such an A4 Pacific to represent the LNER, a Royal Scot to represent the LMS, a King or Castle to represent the GWR and "Braunton" to represent the SR. Of course, watch this space as there is still a lot of work ahead to secure suitable locos for the six-day Gala which runs over two weekends - 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29 March 2009. All-day on-train dining, using the Quantock Belle, on all six days of the Gala is also planned.

4 December 2008 
Details from SEPT

• WSR wins a Merit Award for Disabled Access...
Merit Award

The West Somerset Railway has received another award. During the year a "mystery shopper" visited the line on behalf of Somerset County Council in association with District Councils and Compass Disability Services. This was part of a county-wide service of leisure and other service providers. On the morning on Wednesday 3 December, General Manager Paul Conibeare attended a presentation at the Old Municipal Building in Corporation Street in Taunton and received a Certificate of Merit for the West Somerset Railway endorsed "In recognition of your accomplishments regarding disability access”. Well done to everyone on the Railway for the continued standard of care offered to all passengers and visitors.

4 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• Success for Simon in Somerset...
Simon Calder © Grace Productions

The Simon Calder programme shown on national BBC4 TV, which featured the West Somerset Railway, attracted the second highest viewing figures for a BBC4 programme that evening. It was screened a few weeks back on the local BBC channel and repeated on BBC4 on 27 November under a revised title "Beeching's Tracks". After visiting Portishead, Simon's journey continued by bicycle along the Strawberry Line between Yatton and Cheddar. Then he crossed the Somerset Levels to Taunton and, after cycling to Bishops Lydeard joined the West Somerset Railway to Minehead. The programme has also been nominated for a television award.

4 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• The Friends of Minehead Station busy in 2008...
Minehead Station © Alan Grieve

The Friends of Minehead Station have had a busy 2008 according to their latest newsletter. One mega task was the completion of the extension to the Readers Halt sales outlet and related work involving movement of much stock from storage. Later the CCT van fitted out with new shelving for storage of general materials required for Friends work. mention is made of the turntable development including the Kiosk which is proving its worth for the local community when used for an art exhibition. And all the time, tasks continue that have always have done - scraping and painting, cutting grass and tending gardens, flower beds and pots, unblocking toilets, putting shelving together and so on. FOMS also ran a healthy social diary including regular skittles nights and the annual quiz night, and it is good to see these will continue in 2009. More recently, the Station has been most tastefully decorated for Christmas. The Friends are always looking for new volunteers and new members - contact FOMS, The Railway Station, Minehead TA24 5BG

4 December 2008 
Details from FOMS

• The King is turned and leaves for Bristol...
No 6024 © Malcolm Anderson

The King has left the Minehead Branch. Following repairs to the front bogie at the Swindon Shed at Williton, and a series of running-in test runs, GWR 4-6-0 no 6024 King Edward I was turned at Minehead to face Paddington on Saturday 29 November. The "King" left WSR metals in the early afternoon of Monday 1 December, with support coach in tow and headed for Bristol, ahead of a pre-Christmas schedule of main line excursions. Local fans should not be disheartened as King Edward I will return to the Minehead Branch just before Christmas, and will star at the Winter Steam Festival on 28-29 December 2008. An interesting video of the turning of the loco is currently available on YouTube...

2 December 2008 
Details from local correspondents

• Walk-up and pay on the day for Santa trips...

Pay on the day for certain Santa trains. Advance booking are now closed for the WSR Santa Trains on Saturday 6 December and Sunday 7 December but it will be possible to walk up and pay on the day for the following Santa Special Trains between Bishops Lydeard and Crowcombe Heathfield - Saturday 6 December departing Bishops Lydeard at 10.40am and 1.05pm, and Sunday 7 December departing Bishops Lydeard ar 3.05pm. The cost is £10 for each adult and £10 for each child (except babes in arms under the age of 1 who travel for £2). The price includes the round trip on the train, sherry and mince pie for the adults and for the children the visit to Santa in his grotto at Crowcombe Heathfield and a present. The trains are steam heated and there is a buffet car on the train. The station shop at Bishops Lydeard will also be open for Christmas Shopping. Seats for the remainder of the Santa Specials are going steadily. See official WSR website for current availability or ring 01643 704996 to book (7 days a week 9am to 5pm).

2 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• The WSR Timetable Leaflet...
Timetable leaflets down the years © Martyn Snell

The West Somerset Railway 2009 train timetable leaflet is expected to be available in a few days on 9 December. This has prompted the General Manager to display his collection of the earlier editions of the leaflets which of course carry a huge amount of information about the Railway and its services. Missing from his collection are the leaflets from 1989 and 2002 - if anyone happens to have a spare copy to donate to the General Manager's otherwise complete and historic collection, please contact the Railway at Minehead.

2 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc

• Art in the Kiosk...
Art exhibition © Martyn Snell

In the last week, an art display was held within the new Kiosk next to the turntable. Sixth form students from the West Somerset Community College organised the exciting and uplifting exhibtion of photographs on display in the Kiosk at Minehead - entitled "Best Times" - was a celebration of images taken by Minehead's youngsters using their mobile phones. The exhibition was well attended during the week particularly on Saturday as folks waited for GWR 4-6-0 no 6024 King Edward I to use the turntable prior to its return to main line duties.

2 December 2008 
Details from WSR Plc