News from July 2011...
D7017 © Ian Grady
Good news and bad news from the Diesel group
The good news for Hymek fans and the bad news for Class 47 fans. The Diesel and Electric Preservation Group (DEPG) regret that due to Class 47 no D1661 North Star needing an oil change, Class 35 Hymek no D7017 will be working the diesel diagram booked for the Class 47 on Friday 12 August 2011. Meantime, one of the DEPG members has produced an excellent DVD in conjunction with Globe Videos - more information here. All proceeds from this private project will be donated to the DEPG.

31 July 2011 
Details from DEPG

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Westridge © Roger Gurney
Improvement work for loco compound at Bishops Lydeard
Work is to start soon on improvements to the increasingly busy Bishops Lydeard loco compound. Ground works commence on 1 August followed by the movement of a storage container and construction of a new shedmaster's office. New sets of gates will be installed between the car park and the compound - a set of gates for the rail traffic to the unloading siding, a set of gates where the ash skip presently sits for road vehicles and a personnel gate. The line of the new gates will be approximately eight metres away from the existing gates on the car park side so increasing the size of the compound by that amount. Towards the end of August some of the remaining fencing will be improved. No other changes are planned at this stage.

26 July 2011 
Details from WSR Plc

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No 312 © Gerry Leyman
Washford says goodbye to an old friend
On Friday 15 July the Somerset and Dorset Railway Trust at Washford said farewell to a Stothert and Pitt steam crane. Built in 1908, the crane, no 312, is the last remaining rail-mounted steam-powered crane produced by Bath-based Stothert & Pitt and was originally used in its rail sidings near the Somerset & Dorset Railway's Bath Green Park locomotive shed. In the early 1970s it presented to the Trust by Stothert & Pitt eventually moving to Washford on the Minehead Branch. The crane has been acquired by Crest Nicholson Operations Limited and has returned to its home city of Bath at the new Riverside Park Development. Trust Chairman Godfrey Baker said "We were all sad to see the crane leave Washford, as it has proved to be an excellent servant to the Trust for many years, but it is now surplus to our requirements. Crest Nicholson is to be congratulated on its initiative in returning the crane to the city where it was built and where it will hopefully be restored again to full working order." For further information see the Somerset & Dorset Railway Trust's website.

23 July 2011 
Details from SDRT

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Crowcombe Heathfield
FoCHS website hits 10,000 visitors
The Friends of Crowcombe Heathfield Station website has recorded its first 10,000 hits. The Friends formed in February 2010 with the FoCHS website following soon after. And there's more good news - the Friends membership has now reached 150. Not bad figures for the little country station at Crowcombe Heathfield. Find out more about how to join the Friends of Crowcombe Heathfield Station.

22 July 2011 
Details from FoCHS

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Prize © WSSRT
Painting is Wizzer Walk first prize
The organisers of the West Somerset Railway Walk are pleased to give a glimpse of the first prize for the walker who raises the most money for the Heritage Carriages Project. The Sponsored Walk will take place on Sunday 27 November starting from Williton and takes the scenic ten mile route to Bishops Lydeard. The first prize is a full sized framed painting by transport artist Mike Tunnicliffe depicting former WSR pannier tank no 6412 in an imaginary pre-nationalisation scene at Washford Station. For more information and a look at a reduced image of the painting see the West Somerset Steam Railway Trust website.

22 July 2011 
Details from WSSRT

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Minehead webcam © Alan Grieve
The webcam at Minehead Station
Technical problems with the camera have led to the removal of the webcam page from this website. This extremely popular webcam has now been malfunctioning for about four weeks. This website is entirely reliant on the goodwill and co-operation of several partners for the images but to date it has not been possible to resolve the current problem. This website remains hopeful that the webcam will be back in action one day. Apologies to those who have enjoyed the images and the many who through the webcam have become supporters of the WSR.

21 July 2011 
Details from

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Extra Tasters for August and September
High demand results in extra Taster Steam Engineman Courses. The West Somerset Railway has added two Taster Course dates for 2011. These are at the standard prices and are available for booking now. These courses are sold on a first-come first-served basis and must be reserved with a £50 deposit. Book by calling 01643 704996. The two new dates for 2011 are 20 August 2011 (four places in the morning and three left in the afternoon) and 24 September 2011 (three places in the morning and five left in the afternoon). For more information about driving courses see the Steam Engineman Courses or the Diesel Experience Course.

21 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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No 71000 © Steve Edge
Duke of Gloucester to work passenger services
Another chance to experience Pacific power on the Minehead Branch. From Saturday 23 July to Friday 29 July 2011 ex-British Railways Class 8P 4-6-2 no 71000 Duke of Gloucester will be in service on the West Somerset Railway. On 23, 24, 25 and 29 July the loco will head departures from Minehead at 10.15am and 2.15pm and from Bishops Lydeard at 12.30pm and 4.10pm; on 26, 27, 28 July the loco will head departures from Minehead at 10.15am and 3pm and from Bishops Lydeard at 12.30pm and 4.55pm. On completion of duties on 29 July Duke of Gloucester will move to Bishops Lydeard ready for its return to the mainline.

21 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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No 60163 ©  Tony Down
Tornado services in summer holidays confirmed
One of Britain's best known steam locomotives will make another visit to the West Somerset Railway in the school summer holidays. LNER A1 4-6-2 no 60163 Tornado and will be operating trains over the twenty miles between Bishops Lydeard and Minehead. Tornado will haul service trains from Bishops Lydeard (10.25am and 2.25pm on 27 August and 2 September; 11.05am and 4pm from 28 August to 1 September) and from Minehead (12.25pm and 4.05pm on 27 August and 2 September; 2.05pm and 5.55pm from 28 August to 1 September) giving everyone a wide choice of Tornado travel. The locomotive will also work on 3 and 4 September during the Late Summer Weekend special event.

21 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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Minehead Station © Alan Grieve
Minehead Station once again ablaze with colour
The Friends of Minehead Station continue to provide a colourful scene for visitors at the busy seaside terminus. This year, despite the weather, the flowers at Minehead Station have never looked better thanks to the work of Martyn and Sheila Snell, who supply and look after the baskets and tubs, David and Jennifer Foster and their daughter, Fiona, who look after all but one of the platform beds, the remaining one being looked after by the ladies of Minehead Evening Townswomen's Guild. Also of note is the work of Janet and John Dixon and Colin Harris on the wildlife area between the Station and the Signal Box, and Janet's flower border in front of the barrier store which presents a colourful scene for the many Morrisons shoppers. To help fund their varied work the Friends of Minehead Station are currently seeking donations of paperbacks for re-sale at the Reader's Halt bookstall at Minehead.

21 July 2011 
Details from FOMS

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WSR © WSR plc
Looking ahead to Twenty Twelve
The dates of the train services in 2012 - including special events - are available. Although the details of the daily services have yet to be determined it is possible to deduce the dates of the special events, including the 2012 Spring Steam Gala (17,18,22-25 March 2012); the Mixed Traction Weekend (15-17 June 2012); the Late Summer Weekend (1,2 September 2012); the Autumn Steam Gala (4-7 October 2012) and the 2012 Winter Steam Festival (29,30 December 2012). Folks may like to make diary notes of the dates. Further information will be announced in due course.

20 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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Red Arrows © Tim Stanger
Special timetable for Red Arrows Day
A modified train service will be in place for the visit of the Red Arrows and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight to Minehead in August. The West Somerset Railway has released details of the train services for 10 August 2011 which will see no less than six morning departures from Bishops Lydeard at 8.45am, 9.30am, 10.25am, 11.05am, 11.40am, 12.30pm to cater for the many passengers making for Minehead on that day. In the afternoon trains will leave Minehead at 2pm, 3pm, 3.30pm, 4pm, 4.55pm and 5.55pm which should reduce the overcrowding experienced at the end of the same event in 2010. For details of departures of all trains from all stations for 10 August 2011 please see the full timetable. West Somerset Council have advised that Warren Road, the Esplanade and the seaside end of The Avenue in Minehead will be closed to all traffic from 8am to 6pm and are encouraging visitors to use the Railway to get to Minehead.

20 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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West SOmerset Restorations
West Somerset Restoration require a machinist/toolmaker
The West Somerset Railway Association engineering team at Williton have a vacancy. The WSRA "...urgently require a machinist/toolmaker with experience of using vertical and horizontal milling machines, lathes, horizontal borer, shaper and slotter, and so on. We are looking for a capable all round machinist working in imperial dimensions and willing to pass on their knowledge and skill to our apprentices to secure the future of engineering on the railway." Closing date for applications is 5 August 2011. Further details are available here [PDF].

19 July 2011 
Details from WSRA

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No 71000
A diesel swop and a steam visitor
D6566 replaces D1661 and news of a surprise steam visitor. BR 4-6-2 no 71000 Duke of Gloucester will travel from Bristol to Bishops Lydeard on Wednesday 20 July 2011 arriving at 8.15am. The locomotive will undergo a period of running in before returning to the main line and it may haul passenger trains on the West Somerset Railway - dates and departure times will be confirmed once known. On Friday 22 July, Class 33 no D6566 will replace Class 47 no D1661 North Star which is unavailable for its rostered diesel diagram duties due to an engine oil change; the DEPG apologises for any disappointment caused.

18 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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Formal opening by Gerald Creed © Peter Nicholson
The formal opening of the footbridge at Williton
Williton once again has a footbridge. The footbridge was officially opened at 2pm on Saturday 16 July by Gerald Creed who rescued the footbridge from Trowbridge Station and subsequently transferred ownership to the West Somerset Railway. WSR supporter Peter Nicholson stood alongside Gerald Creed at Trowbridge Station as the contractors dismantled the 1896-built footbridge, "We watched very anxiously, as the footbridge was brought down at Trowbridge. The contractors could not guarantee not damaging it beyond repair in the process - especially if they started running out of time for the possession. They did the best they could in the time available but in the end the roof was crushed, although the rest was secured." Gerald and Peter stood together again this time at Williton to see the footbridge once again ready to fulfil its purpose. A plaque on the top walkway is dedicated to the late Chris van den Arend, long-time Station Master at Williton. Many who remember the great man will surely stop and reflect on his steadfast belief in all things West Somerset Railway. Also involved in the formal proceedings were John Parsons, John Byfield and Station Master Martin Hope. More about Williton Station on this website and at the official Williton Station website.

17 July 2011 
Details from local correspondent

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No 7828 © Sam Burton
The Manor to return in late August
No 7828 is now being professionally painted in lined BR livery. The WSR's Chief Mechanical Engineer reports that the loco will enter traffic - as Norton Manor - during the last week in August (subject to the usual caveats). On Sunday 18 September the locomotive will revert to its original name Odney Manor for one day to haul the "Return to Steam" special and then will revert to Norton Manor and will remain so until a review is held by the Board of the WSR plc in August 2012.

15 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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The Steam Fayre and Vintage Vehicle Rally
Everything is set for the 24th Rally on 6-7 August 2011. Although not yet confirmed, the organisers are looking at a a possible "Driver for a Fiver" using a diesel locomotive as an added attraction taking place on the former Barnstaple section of the Triangle. More volunteers still welcome and all WSR ID card holders are able to enter the field free after 6pm on both Friday and Saturday (via the stone pile gate entrance only) to take advantage of the real ale bar and the entertainment. During the actual event travel to the Rally site from Bishops Lydeard Station on the DMU will be free for those in possession of a paid Rally entry ticket

15 July 2011 
Details from WSR Plc

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No 6960 © Ray Waldron
The big three due to recommence work soon
The next month or two will see the return to steam of three powerful locomotives. The steam test of GWR 4-6-0 no 6960 Raveningham Hall took place on 14 July, only five days after its first trial steam and just twelve days after its hydraulic test. The team at Williton-based West Somerset Restoration hope to complete the engine by the end of July, ready to use during the WSR's high summer timetable. Hydraulic test to running in less than a month, perhaps some kind of record? Meantime, SR 4-6-2 no 34046 Braunton has been patiently waiting for completion of remedial work to its new tender. On 13 July, the pair were re-united at Minehead. Successful testing in the next few days should signal a return to revenue-earning service from 26 July. And finally, the heavy overhaul of BR(W) 4-6-0 no 7828 Norton Manor (the former Odney Manor) is coming ever closer to an end with a return to steam special being marketed for 18 September. No 7828 will be out on the line well before then, of course, undergoing trials (see above news item).

15 July 2011 
Details from local correspondents

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Toy Sale © WSR plc
Toy and Train Sale at Minehead Station
The annual event takes place on Sunday 31 July 2011. Fifty tables under the canopy at Minehead Railway Station between 10.30am and 4.00pm. Many top dealers in Dinky, Corgi, Matchbox, Efe, Lledo, Britains, Hornby Trains, Bachman, Lima etc and much, much more. Buy, sell, exchange. Passengers holding valid West Somerset Railway tickets for the day get free entry otherwise admission is £1.50 per Adult and £1.00 per child or per Senior. For all enquiries please call 01643 702757 or 07966 694579 or email or visit

13 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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Poster © WSSRT
Rare chance to walk the line
Make a diary date now for the West Somerset Railway Walk on Sunday 27 November. The walk will cover the ten miles from Williton to Bishops Lydeard. Once again the organisers West Somerset Steam Railway Trust are supporting the Somerset-based St Margaret's Hospice through this event via a combined sponsorship option splitting monies between the Hospice and the Trust's Heritage Carriages Project. Or participants can nominate money they raise go exclusively to the Heritage Carriages Project. Walkers need to be reasonably fit, children taking part need to be over 12 years of age and accompanied by an adult if under 16 years of age. A diesel train will take walkers from either Minehead or Bishops Lydeard to the start of the walk at Williton in the morning and will provide a return service at the end of the day. To apply please send a cheque for £7 per participant (made payable to the WSSRT) to cover operating costs, with a stamped addressed envelope to The West Somerset Railway Walk, The Railway Station, Bishops Lydeard, Taunton, TA4 3BX. Full details will sent to applicants nearer the time. Meantime, more information can be found on the Trust website or see downloadable PDF poster for details.

13 July 2011 
Details from WSSRT

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Minehead Branch © WSSRT
Book signings at Minehead Station on Sunday 17 July
Next Sunday will see the launch of not one but two important books about railways in West Somerset. On Sunday 17 July, authors Mike Jones and Ian Coleby will be at Minehead Station Shop to launch and sign their respective books. Ian is signing the new edition of his "The Minehead Branch - 1848-1971" book, first published in October 2006 and which has been out for print for some time. The revised edition has around 20 new photographs and additional maps. Some of the text has been revised. The price remains at £24.99. Mike Jones will be launching his new history and description of the West Somerset Mineral Railway and the Brendon Hills Iron Ore mines which also retails at £24.99. These two definitive works are complementary to one another and neither are to be missed. Ian will at Minehead from around 11.30am and Mike will be there from about 2pm.

11 July 2011 
Details from local correspondent

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No 6705 © WSSRT
Work continues apace with Collett BCK no 6705
Work is to start during August on the removal of asbestos insulation strips from the compartments of Collett BCK no 6705, as well as lagging from pipework. This will be undertaken under controlled conditions by specialist contractors and the coach will then be handed back to the Trust before the bank holiday for restoration of the interior to continue. Meanwhile, work continues on filling the 2000 screw holes in the bodyside panelling prior to external painting. Volunteers are welcome to help with this task, working mainly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Tarmac (Swindon) Shed at Williton - contact Chris Austin or Ian Coleby for details via the West Somerset Steam Railway Trust website.

11 July 2011 
Details from WSSRT

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Competition © WSR Plc
Lexi wins the Thomas prize
The Buffer Stop Shop at Minehead ran a prize draw during the recent Thomas weekend. Everyone who bought a item of Thomas merchandise either in the Shop or at the retail stand on the Minehead Station platform was entered into the prize draw. Later, winners Gemma Hewett-Avison and daughter Lexi collected the Day Out With Thomas competition prize from Colin Howard, WSR Plc Retail Manager.

11 July 2011 
Details from WSR Plc

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Footbridge © John Hallett
Williton Station footbridge now open to the public
A successful inspection for the footbridge at Williton Station. On 10 July 2011. West Somerset Railway's General Manager, Paul Conibeare, met the Williton Station Footbridge Project Team and after inspection declared that the footbridge could be opened for use by the general public. John Parsons, Project Manager, said that it was a momentous occasion and the biggest achievement for the Station since reopening in 1976. John stated that the refurbishment of the footbridge had been subject to substantial fundraising on the Station for many years and was a fitting tribute to Chris van den Arend, the former Station Master, who had been the major driving force for the project until his death last December. The roof and lighting on the footbridge have still to be completed and fundraising will continue to enable this work to be undertaken. The footbridge will be officially opened at 2pm on Saturday 16 July by Gerald Creed who rescued the footbridge from Trowbridge Station and has subsequently transferred the ownership to the West Somerset Railway.

10 July 2011 
Details from the Williton Station Master

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70000 © John Crocker
No 70000 to leave the WSR on Monday 11 July
No 70000 will leave the West Somerset Railway a few days earlier than previously expected. The WSR explain: "We have been notified that BR 4-6-2 no 70000 Britannia is now required to leave the WSR on Monday 11 July, so Sunday 10 July will be the engine's last day in service on passenger trains between Minehead and Bishops Lydeard for a while. On Sunday 10 July it should work the 10.15am and 2.15pm from Minehead and the 12.25pm and 4.10pm from Bishops Lydeard. It is planned that the engine and its support coach will leave Minehead at 11.10am on Monday and depart Bishops Lydeard for the main line later in the day." This website understands the loco will head for Yeovil Juncton via Exeter.

9 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc and

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CAMRA Real Ale Festival tee-shirts now available
The official tee-shirts for the 2011 CAMRA Real Ale Festival have been produced. The shirts - now on sale at Minehead Station shop priced £10.00 - are black with a small Festival logo on the left breast which features a Bagnall tank engine to mark the 35th Anniversary of the re-opening of the WSR. The back has a large Moor Brewery logo on it including the brewer’s "Drink Moor Beer" slogan. Moor Brewery is this year's main sponsor of the Festival. Please ring 01643 700387 to buy the tee-shirts by mail order. The Real Ale Festival will feature a very limited bottle-conditioned beer brewed specially by the Draycott Brewery with a label showing GWR 2-8-0 no 2807 and commemorating the 40th Anniversary of CAMRA and the 35th Anniversary of the WSR and if all goes to plan some extra copies of the label will be produced for sale to collectors.

8 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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Hatt © Gary Miele
A good weekend for Thomas and his friends
Over 4000 visitors went away after an energetic and exciting couple of days of the 2011 Thomas event. The weather did an excellent job and so did large numbers of staff working flat out over the two days. The various attractions all went well and were very popular. The turntable came into its own and the stringing of Mrs Kindley's washing across the turntable, to be demolished either by Mavis or Captain Baxter, notwithstanding the best efforts of the Fat Controller, was particularly successful. Organiser Frank Courtney pays this tribute: "But of course none of this would have been achieved without the active involvement of several hundred members of staff. Many people in all locations around the railway put in far more than the normal working day - and working often under considerable pressure - and this is greatly appreciated."

7 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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70000 © Malcolm Anderson
West Somerset Restoration to the rescue
Williton-based West Somerset Restoration recently had a rather large locomotive arrive for repair. At the end of May BR 4-6-2 no 70000 Britannia limped into Bishops Lydeard after experiencing a problem with the motion and big end bearings whilst on the main line. Working with Bob Allen, an engineer assigned to the engine, the Restoration team was able to quickly verify the problem, then re-cast the bearings in white metal and machine to size and re-assemble the engine. No 70000 then set off to Minehead on 4 July for some running-in tests on the Railway. The staff and volunteers at Restorations will take special pleasure seeing the engine working service trains over the next week.

6 July 2011 
Details from WSRA

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70000 © Malcolm Anderson
No 70000 to work trains on the WSR
No 70000 will work the Minehead diagram for the next week following a successful test run on 5 July. BR 4-6-2 no 70000 Britannia, wearing its rather controversial black livery sans nameplates, worked onto the WSR in June to head an excursion to Portsmouth but on arrival the loco was found to have problems with its motion bearings. The excursion was cancelled and Britannia moved to Williton for repair. On 4 July with repairs completed the locomotive moved to Minehead and after several test runs was declared fit to run and will now work the Minehead diagram, starting with the 10.15am departure, on 6 July until 12 July and will also be working the following two days. No 70000 is due to leave the WSR on 16 July.

6 July 2011 
Details from WSR plc

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Steam Dreams
Postponed Cathedrals Express now cancelled
The Minehead portion of the ground-breaking train-splitting excursion from London postponed from 2 July until 29 October has been scratched. A report in the Railway Herald suggests the delay in splitting and later rejoining the train at Taunton will add around 90 minutes to what will already be a very long day for passengers according promoter Steam Dreams. Whilst the train will still stop at Taunton, those opting for a trip to Minehead will transfer by road coach to Bishops Lydeard for a WSR train to the coastal town.

4 July 2011 
Details from Railway Herald

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D7017 © Barry Kitchen
Another change to diesel rosters for July and August
The Diesel and Electric Preservation Group have announced a further revision of diesel roster allocations. During July and August the 11.45am and 3.05pm from Bishops Lydeard and the 1.15pm and 5.35pm from Minehead are planned to be worked by the following locomotives: Class 35 Hymek no D7017 (15, 23 July; 5, 7, 19, 26 August); Class 25 no D7523 (16, 29 July); Class 47 no D1661 North Star (22 July; 12, 20 August); Class 42 Warship no D832 Onslaught (6, 27 August); Class 33 Crompton no D6566 (30 July; 13 August). Other diesel workings announced include Class 52 no D1010 Western Campaigner on the Sunday of the CAMRA Weekend and, subject to WSR approval, nos D1010, D7017 and D832 will work the first day of the Late Summer Weekend 3, 4 September and nos D1661, D6566, D6575 and D7523 on the second day. Nos D1661 and DH16 will be on display at the Steam Fayre and Vintage Rally in early August.

3 July 2011 
Details from DEPG

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No 70000 © Malcolm Anderson
Additional locomotive interest possible on 4 July
BR 4-6-2 no 70000 is due to run light engine from Williton on Monday 4 July arriving at Minehead at 9.45am. Once there Britannia will be inspected and if fit to run it will double head some WSR services for running-in purposes. At present it is not known which services will be involved so a call to 01643 704996 on Monday will be the best way to find out the plans for the day. On the same day, Class 33 no D6566 will run the 11.40am from Bishops Lydeard, 1.15pm from Minehead and 3.05pm from Bishops Lydeard. The 5.35pm from Minehead is due to see the return to traffic of the DMU.

1 July 2011 
Details from the WSR Plc

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